Peter K. Willett
University of Connecticut
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQother persons with the same name:
2009 | ||
30 | EE | Satnam Singh, Haiying Tu, William Donat, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett: Anomaly Detection via Feature-Aided Tracking and Hidden Markov Models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 39(1): 144-159 (2009) |
2008 | ||
29 | EE | David F. Crouse, Christian R. Berger, Shengli Zhou, Peter Willett: Optimal memoryless relays with noncoherent modulation. CISS 2008: 155-160 |
28 | EE | Sean F. Mason, Christian R. Berger, Shengli Zhou, Peter Willett: Detection, Synchronization, and Doppler Scale Estimation with Multicarrier Waveforms in Underwater Acoustic Communication. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(9): 1638-1649 (2008) |
27 | EE | Jie Huang, Shengli Zhou, Peter Willett: Nonbinary LDPC Coding for Multicarrier Underwater Acoustic Communication. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(9): 1684-1696 (2008) |
26 | EE | Christian R. Berger, Shengli Zhou, Zhi Tian, Peter K. Willett: Performance analysis on an MAP fine timing algorithm in UWB multiband OFDM. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(10): 1606-1611 (2008) |
25 | EE | Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Distributed Estimation in Large Wireless Sensor Networks via a Locally Optimum Approach. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(2): 748-756 (2008) |
24 | EE | Atef Isaac, Peter Willett, Yaakov Bar-Shalom: Quickest Detection and Tracking of Spawning Targets Using Monopulse Radar Channel Signals. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(3): 1302-1308 (2008) |
23 | EE | Ozgur Erdinc, Craig Brideau, Peter Willett, Thia Kirubarajan: The Problem of Test Latency in Machine Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 38(1): 88-92 (2008) |
22 | EE | Ozgur Erdinc, Craig Brideau, Peter Willett, Thiagalingam Kirubarajan: Fast Diagnosis With Sensors of Uncertain Quality. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(4): 1157-1165 (2008) |
21 | EE | M. Guerriero, Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Some aspects of DOA estimation using a network of blind sensors. Signal Processing 88(11): 2640-2650 (2008) |
2007 | ||
20 | EE | Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Lang Tong, Peter Willett: A Likelihood-Based Multiple Access for Estimation in Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(11): 5155-5166 (2007) |
19 | EE | Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Asymptotic Design of Quantizers for Decentralized MMSE Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(11): 5485-5496 (2007) |
18 | EE | Wayne R. Blanding, Peter K. Willett, Yaakov Bar-Shalom: Offline and Real-Time Methods for ML-PDA Track Validation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(5-2): 1994-2006 (2007) |
17 | EE | Shengli Zhou, Peter Willett: Submarine Location Estimation Via a Network of Detection-Only Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(6-2): 3104-3115 (2007) |
16 | EE | Peter Willett, William Dale Blair, Xin Zhang: The Multitarget Monopulse CRLB for Matched Filter Samples. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(8): 4183-4197 (2007) |
15 | EE | E. Phelps, Peter Willett, Thia Kirubarajan, Craig Brideau: Predicting Time to Failure Using the IMM and Excitable Tests. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 37(5): 630-642 (2007) |
2006 | ||
14 | EE | Xin Zhang, Shengli Zhou, Peter K. Willett: Loading for parallel binary channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(1): 51-55 (2006) |
13 | EE | Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett, Lang Tong: Support-based and ML approaches to DOA estimation in a dumb sensor network. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(4): 1563-1567 (2006) |
12 | EE | Haiying Tu, Jefferey Allanach, Satnam Singh, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett: Information Integration via Hierarchical and Hybrid Bayesian Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(1): 19-33 (2006) |
11 | EE | Shengli Zhou, Baosheng Li, Peter Willett: Recursive and Trellis-Based Feedback Reduction for MIMO-OFDM with Rate-Limited Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(12): 3400-3405 (2006) |
2005 | ||
10 | EE | Biao Chen, Peter K. Willett: On the optimality of the likelihood-ratio test for local sensor decision rules in the presence of nonideal channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(2): 693-699 (2005) |
9 | EE | Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Some approaches to quantization for distributed estimation with data association. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(3): 885-895 (2005) |
8 | EE | Xin Zhang, Peter K. Willett, Yaakov Bar-Shalom: Monopulse Radar detection and localization of multiple unresolved targets via joint bin Processing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(4): 1225-1236 (2005) |
2004 | ||
7 | EE | Robert S. Lynch Jr., Peter K. Willett: Quantizing features independently in the Bayesian data reduction algorithm. SMC (2) 2004: 1336-1341 |
6 | EE | Satnam Singh, Jefferey Allanach, Haiying Tu, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett: Stochastic modeling of a terrorist event via the ASAM system. SMC (6) 2004: 5673-5678 |
5 | EE | Fumihiro Hasegawa, Jie Luo, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett, David Pham: Speed and accuracy comparison of techniques for multiuser detection in synchronous CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(4): 540-545 (2004) |
4 | EE | Jie Luo, Krishna R. Pattipati, Peter Willett, Georgiy M. Levchuk: Fast optimal and suboptimal any-time algorithms for CDMA multiuser detection based on branch and bound. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(4): 632-642 (2004) |
3 | EE | Z. Jane Wang, Peter Willett: Joint segmentation and classification of time series using class-specific features. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(2): 1056-1067 (2004) |
2003 | ||
2 | Robert S. Lynch Jr., Peter K. Willett: Bayesian classification and feature reduction using uniform Dirichlet priors. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 33(3): 448-464 (2003) | |
1 | EE | Robert S. Lynch Jr., Peter K. Willett: Use of Bayesian data reduction for the fusion of legacy classifiers. Information Fusion 4(1): 23-34 (2003) |
1 | Jefferey Allanach | [6] [12] |
2 | Yaakov Bar-Shalom | [8] [18] [24] |
3 | Christian R. Berger | [26] [28] [29] |
4 | William Dale Blair | [16] |
5 | Wayne R. Blanding | [18] |
6 | Craig Brideau | [15] [22] [23] |
7 | Biao Chen | [10] |
8 | David F. Crouse | [29] |
9 | William Donat | [30] |
10 | Ozgur Erdinc | [22] [23] |
11 | M. Guerriero | [21] |
12 | Fumihiro Hasegawa | [5] |
13 | Jie Huang | [27] |
14 | Atef Isaac | [24] |
15 | Thia Kirubarajan (Thiagalingam Kirubarajan) | [15] [22] [23] |
16 | Georgiy M. Levchuk | [4] |
17 | Baosheng Li | [11] |
18 | Jie Luo | [4] [5] |
19 | Robert S. Lynch Jr. | [1] [2] [7] |
20 | Stefano Maranò | [9] [13] [19] [20] [21] [25] |
21 | Sean F. Mason | [28] |
22 | Vincenzo Matta | [9] [13] [19] [20] [21] [25] |
23 | Krishna R. Pattipati | [4] [5] [6] [12] [30] |
24 | David Pham | [5] |
25 | E. Phelps | [15] |
26 | Satnam Singh | [6] [12] [30] |
27 | Zhi Tian | [26] |
28 | Lang Tong | [13] [20] |
29 | Haiying Tu | [6] [12] [30] |
30 | Z. Jane Wang | [3] |
31 | Xin Zhang | [8] [14] [16] |
32 | Shengli Zhou | [11] [14] [17] [26] [27] [28] [29] |