
Vincenzo Matta

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8EEStefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Distributed Estimation in Large Wireless Sensor Networks via a Locally Optimum Approach. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(2): 748-756 (2008)
7EEM. Guerriero, Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Some aspects of DOA estimation using a network of blind sensors. Signal Processing 88(11): 2640-2650 (2008)
6EEStefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Lang Tong, Peter Willett: A Likelihood-Based Multiple Access for Estimation in Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(11): 5155-5166 (2007)
5EEStefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Asymptotic Design of Quantizers for Decentralized MMSE Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(11): 5485-5496 (2007)
4EEPaolo Addesso, Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta: Sequential Sampling in Sensor Networks for Detection With Censoring Nodes. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55(11): 5497-5505 (2007)
3EEStefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett, Lang Tong: Support-based and ML approaches to DOA estimation in a dumb sensor network. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(4): 1563-1567 (2006)
2EEStefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta: Sub-optimal all-sky detection of periodic gravitational waves. Signal Processing 86(5): 971-983 (2006)
1EEStefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Peter Willett: Some approaches to quantization for distributed estimation with data association. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(3): 885-895 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Addesso [4]
2M. Guerriero [7]
3Stefano Maranò [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4Lang Tong [3] [6]
5Peter Willett (Peter K. Willett) [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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