
Anja Wessels

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8EEAlex Krumm-Heller, Anja Wessels, Franco Di Dio: Teaching multimedia by using multimedia: remote hands-on teaching. OZCHI 2008: 327-330
7EEChristian Müller-Tomfelde, Anja Wessels, Claudia Schremmer: Tilted tabletops: In between horizontal and vertical workspaces. Tabletop 2008: 49-56
6EECara A. Stitzlein, Anja Wessels: A descriptive screenshot analysis in a mixed presence setting. OZCHI 2007: 111-114
5EEChristian Müller-Tomfelde, Claudia Schremmer, Anja Wessels: Exploratory study on concurrent interaction in co-located collaboration. OZCHI 2007: 175-178
4EEJane Li, Anja Wessels, Leila Alem, Cara A. Stitzlein: Exploring interface with representation of gesture for remote collaboration. OZCHI 2007: 179-182
3 Nicolai Scheele, Anja Wessels, Wolfgang Effelsberg, Manfred Hofer, Stefan Fries: Computergestützte Verlaufsmessungen in interaktiven Vorlesungen. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 568-572
2 Nicolai Scheele, Anja Wessels, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Die Interaktive Vorlesung in der Praxis. DeLFI 2004: 283-294
1EEHolger Horz, Stefan Fries, Anja Wessels: Informatik (ULI) aus pädagogisch-psychologischer Sicht. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie 15(1): 40- (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Leila Alem [4]
2Franco Di Dio [8]
3Wolfgang Effelsberg [2] [3]
4Stefan Fries [1] [3]
5Manfred Hofer [3]
6Holger Horz [1]
7Alex Krumm-Heller [8]
8Jane Li [4]
9Christian Müller-Tomfelde [5] [7]
10Nicolai Scheele [2] [3]
11Claudia Schremmer [5] [7]
12Cara A. Stitzlein [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)