
Dominique de Werra

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90EEMarc Demange, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: A tutorial on the use of graph coloring for some problems in robotics. European Journal of Operational Research 192(1): 41-55 (2009)
89EEYury L. Orlovich, Valery S. Gordon, Dominique de Werra: On the inapproximability of independent domination in 2P3-free perfect graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(8-10): 977-982 (2009)
88EEDominique de Werra, Marie-Christine Costa, Christophe Picouleau, Bernard Ries: On the use of graphs in discrete tomography. 4OR 6(2): 101-123 (2008)
87EETinaz Ekim, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Dominique de Werra: Polar cographs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(10): 1652-1660 (2008)
86EEDominique de Werra, Endre Boros, Jacques Carlier, Alain Hertz, Marino Widmer: Foreword. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(13): 2437-2438 (2008)
85EETinaz Ekim, Pavol Hell, Juraj Stacho, Dominique de Werra: Polarity of chordal graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(13): 2469-2479 (2008)
84EEJacek Blazewicz, Marta Kasprzak, Benjamin Leroy-Beaulieu, Dominique de Werra: Finding Hamiltonian circuits in quasi-adjoint graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(13): 2573-2580 (2008)
83EEBernard Ries, Dominique de Werra: On two coloring problems in mixed graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 29(3): 712-725 (2008)
82EEDominique de Werra, Tamás Kis, Wieslaw Kubiak: Preemptive open shop scheduling with multiprocessors: polynomial cases and applications. J. Scheduling 11(1): 75-83 (2008)
81EECédric Bentz, Marie-Christine Costa, Dominique de Werra, Christophe Picouleau, Bernard Ries: On a graph coloring problem arising from discrete tomography. Networks 51(4): 256-267 (2008)
80EEA. Geinoz, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: Construction of balanced sports schedules using partitions into subleagues. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(3): 279-282 (2008)
79EEDominique de Werra, Peter L. Hammer: Weighted stability number of graphs and weighted satisfiability: The two facets of pseudo-Boolean optimization. Annals OR 149(1): 67-73 (2007)
78EETinaz Ekim, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Dominique de Werra: Polar cographs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28: 317-323 (2007)
77EEMarc Demange, Dominique de Werra, Jérôme Monnot, Vangelis Th. Paschos: Time slot scheduling of compatible jobs. J. Scheduling 10(2): 111-127 (2007)
76EEIvo Blöchliger, Dominique de Werra: Locally restricted colorings. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(1): 158-165 (2006)
75EEMarie-Christine Costa, Dominique de Werra, Christophe Picouleau: Using graphs for some discrete tomography problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(1): 35-46 (2006)
74EEDominique de Werra, Tinaz Ekim, C. Raess: Construction of sports schedules with multiple venues. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(1): 47-58 (2006)
73EET. Bornand-Jaccard, David Schindl, Dominique de Werra: Some simple optimization techniques for self-organized public key management in mobile ad hoc networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(8): 1223-1235 (2006)
72EEDominique de Werra: Good and nice colorings of balanced hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(19-20): 2630-2636 (2006)
71EETinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: Erratum. J. Comb. Optim. 11(1): 125 (2006)
70EEMarc Demange, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: On the approximation of Min Split-coloring and Min Cocoloring. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 10(2): 297-315 (2006)
69EEIrina V. Gribkovskaia, Chung-Yee Lee, Vitaly A. Strusevich, Dominique de Werra: Three is easy, two is hard: open shop sum-batch scheduling problem refined. Oper. Res. Lett. 34(4): 459-464 (2006)
68EEDominique de Werra, Pierre Hansen: Variations on the Roy-Gallai theorem. 4OR 3(3): 243-251 (2005)
67EEDominique de Werra, Marc Demange, Jérôme Monnot, Vangelis Th. Paschos: A hypocoloring model for batch scheduling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 146(1): 3-26 (2005)
66EEMarie-Christine Costa, Dominique de Werra, Christophe Picouleau, David Schindl: A solvable case of image reconstruction in discrete tomography. Discrete Applied Mathematics 148(3): 240-245 (2005)
65EEMarc Demange, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: Partitioning cographs into cliques and stable sets. Discrete Optimization 2(2): 145-153 (2005)
64EEMarc Demange, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: (p, k)-coloring problems in line graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19: 49-55 (2005)
63EEMarie-Christine Costa, Dominique de Werra, Christophe Picouleau, Bernard Ries: Bicolored matchings in some classes of graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22: 207-211 (2005)
62EEDominique de Werra: Path colorings in bipartite graphs. European Journal of Operational Research 164(3): 575-584 (2005)
61EETinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: On Split-Coloring Problems. J. Comb. Optim. 10(3): 211-225 (2005)
60EEMarc Demange, Tinaz Ekim, Dominique de Werra: (p, k)-coloring problems in line graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 349(3): 462-474 (2005)
59EEJérôme Monnot, Vangelis Th. Paschos, Dominique de Werra, Marc Demange, Bruno Escoffier: Weighted Coloring on Planar, Bipartite and Split Graphs: Complexity and Improved Approximation. ISAAC 2004: 896-907
58EEDominique de Werra, Marc Demange, Jérôme Monnot, Vangelis Th. Paschos: The Hypocoloring Problem: Complexity and Approximability Results when the Chromatic Number Is Small. WG 2004: 377-388
57EEIvo Blöchliger, Dominique de Werra: On some properties of suboptimal colorings of graphs. Networks 43(2): 103-108 (2004)
56EEVadim V. Lozin, Dominique de Werra: Special issue on stability in graphs and related topics. Discrete Applied Mathematics 132(1-3): 1-2 (2003)
55EEGabriela Alexe, Peter L. Hammer, Vadim V. Lozin, Dominique de Werra: Struction revisited. Discrete Applied Mathematics 132(1-3): 27-46 (2003)
54EEDominique de Werra: Variations on the Theorem of Birkhoff - von Neumann and Extensions. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(2): 263-278 (2003)
53EEDominique de Werra, Pierre Hansen: Using stable sets to bound the chromatic number. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(3): 127-131 (2003)
52EEDominique de Werra: Constraints of Availability in Timetabling and Scheduling. PATAT 2002: 3-23
51EEMarc Demange, Dominique de Werra, Jérôme Monnot, Vangelis Th. Paschos: Weighted Node Coloring: When Stable Sets Are Expensive. WG 2002: 114-125
50EEArmen S. Asratian, Dominique de Werra: A generalized class-teacher model for some timetabling problems. European Journal of Operational Research 143(3): 531-542 (2002)
49EEDominique de Werra, Alain Hertz, Daniel Kobler, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev: Feasible edge colorings of trees with cardinality constraints. Discrete Mathematics 222(1-3): 61-72 (2000)
48EEDominique de Werra: Variations on the theorem of Birkhoff-von Neumann and extensions. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 5: 97-99 (2000)
47EEDominique de Werra, Christine Eisenbeis, Sylvain Lelait, Bruno Marmol: On a Graph-theoretical Model for Cyclic Register Allocation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 93(2-3): 191-203 (1999)
46EEDominique de Werra: On a Multiconstrained Model for Chromatic Scheduling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 94(1-3): 171-180 (1999)
45EEJacek Blazewicz, Alain Hertz, Daniel Kobler, Dominique de Werra: On some Properties of DNA Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 98(1-2): 1-19 (1999)
44EEDominique de Werra, Alain Hertz: On perfectness of sums of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 195(1-3): 93-101 (1999)
43EEDominique de Werra, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev: Preassignment Requirements in Chromatic Scheduling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 76(1-3): 93-101 (1997)
42EEDominique de Werra: Restricted coloring models for timetabling. Discrete Mathematics 165-166: 161-170 (1997)
41EEJacek Blazewicz, Maciej Drozdowski, Dominique de Werra, Jan Weglarz: Deadline Scheduling of Multiprocessor Tasks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 65(1-3): 81-95 (1996)
40EEDominique de Werra, Alan J. Hoffman, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Uri N. Peled: Restrictions and Preassignments in Preemptive open Shop Scheduling. Discrete Applied Mathematics 68(1-2): 169-188 (1996)
39 Dominique de Werra: Some Combinatorial Models for Course Scheduling. PATAT 1995: 296-308
38 Dominique de Werra, Y. Gay: Chromatic Scheduling and Frequency Assignment. Discrete Applied Mathematics 49(1-3): 165-174 (1994)
37 M. Hasler, C. Marthy, A. Oberlin, Dominique de Werra: A discrete model for studying existence and uniqueness of solutions in nonlinear resistive circuits. Discrete Applied Mathematics 50(2): 169-184 (1994)
36EEEdoardo Amaldi, Eddy Mayoraz, Dominique de Werra: A Review of Combinatorial Problems Arising in Feedforward Neural Network Design. Discrete Applied Mathematics 52(2): 111-138 (1994)
35EEDominique de Werra: on an optimization Problem occurring in FMSs: A Hypergraph-theoretical Formulation. Discrete Applied Mathematics 55(2): 107-111 (1994)
34EEAnthony J. W. Hilton, Dominique de Werra: A sufficient condition for equitable edge-colourings of simple graphs. Discrete Mathematics 128(1-3): 179-201 (1994)
33 Fanica Gavril, V. Toledano Laredo, Dominique de Werra: Chordless Paths, Odd Holes, and Kernels in Graphs without m-Obstructions. J. Algorithms 17(2): 207-221 (1994)
32 Jacek Blazewicz, Maciej Drozdowski, Günter Schmidt II, Dominique de Werra: Scheduling Independent Multiprocessor Tasks on a Uniform k-Processor System. Parallel Computing 20(1): 15-28 (1994)
31 Jacek Blazewicz, Maciej Drozdowski, G. Schmidt, Dominique de Werra: Scheduling Multiprocessor Tasks on Uniform Processors. PARCO 1993: 249-256
30EEDominique de Werra, Jacek Blazewicz: Some Preemptive open Shop Scheduling Problems with a Renewable or a Nonrenewable Resource. (Discrete Applied Mathematics 35 (1992) 205-219). Discrete Applied Mathematics 43(1): 103-104 (1993)
29EENadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Ph. Solot, Dominique de Werra: The cyclic compact open-shop scheduling problem. Discrete Mathematics 111(1-3): 361-366 (1993)
28 Dominique de Werra, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Uri N. Peled: Edge-Chromatic Scheduling with Simultaneity Constraints. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 6(4): 631-641 (1993)
27EEDominique de Werra, Alain Hertz: Foreword. Discrete Applied Mathematics 35(3): 175-176 (1992)
26EEDominique de Werra, Jacek Blazewicz: Some preemptive open shop scheduling problems with a renewable or a nonrenewable resource. Discrete Applied Mathematics 35(3): 205-219 (1992)
25EEJ. Bovet, C. Constantin, Dominique de Werra: A convoy scheduling problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 30(1): 1-14 (1991)
24EEDominique de Werra, F. S. Roberts: On the use of augmenting chains in chain packings. Discrete Applied Mathematics 30(2-3): 137-149 (1991)
23EEBruno Simeone, Dominique de Werra, Maurice Cochand: Erratum. Discrete Applied Mathematics 32(1): 77 (1991)
22 Dominique de Werra, Ph. Solot: Compact Cylindrical Chromatic Scheduling. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(4): 528-534 (1991)
21 Alain Hertz, Dominique de Werra: The Tabu Search Metaheuristic: How we used it. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 1: (1990)
20EECharles Friden, Alain Hertz, Dominique de Werra: Tabaris: An exact algorithm based on tabu search for finding a maximum independent set in a graph. Computers & OR 17(5): 437-445 (1990)
19EEDominique de Werra, L. Jacot-Descombes, P. Masson: A constrained sports scheduling problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 26(1): 41-49 (1990)
18EEJacek Blazewicz, Maciej Drozdowski, G. Schmidt, Dominique de Werra: Scheduling independent two processor tasks on a uniform duo-processor system. Discrete Applied Mathematics 28(1): 11-20 (1990)
17EEPierre Hansen, Dominique de Werra: Preface. Discrete Applied Mathematics 29(2-3): 129 (1990)
16EEBruno Simeone, Dominique de Werra, Maurice Cochand: Recognition of a class of unimodular functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 29(2-3): 243-250 (1990)
15EEAlain Hertz, Dominique de Werra: Foreword. Discrete Mathematics 74(1-2): 1-2 (1989)
14EEAlain Hertz, Dominique de Werra: Connected sequential colorings. Discrete Mathematics 74(1-2): 51-59 (1989)
13EEDominique de Werra: Some models of graphs for scheduling sports competitions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 21(1): 47-65 (1988)
12EEAlain Hertz, Dominique de Werra: Perfectly orderable graphs are quasi-parity graphs: a short proof. Discrete Mathematics 68(1): 111-113 (1988)
11EERobert C. Dalang, Leslie E. Trotter Jr., Dominique de Werra: On randomized stopping points and perfect graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 45(3): 320-344 (1988)
10 Peter L. Hammer, Bruno Simeone, Thomas M. Liebling, Dominique de Werra: From Linear Separability to Unimodality: A Hierarchy of Pseudo-Boolean Functions. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(2): 174-184 (1988)
9EEM. Preissmann, Dominique de Werra, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev: A note on superbrittle graphs. Discrete Mathematics 61(2-3): 259-267 (1986)
8 Peter L. Hammer, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Dominique de Werra: The struction of a graph: Application to CN-free graphs. Combinatorica 5(2): 141-147 (1985)
7EEClaude Benzaken, Peter L. Hammer, Dominique de Werra: Split graphs of Dilworth number 2. Discrete Mathematics 55(2): 123-127 (1985)
6EEPeter L. Hammer, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev, Dominique de Werra: Stability in CAN-free graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 38(1): 23-30 (1985)
5EEDominique de Werra: Variation on a theorem of König. Discrete Mathematics 51(3): 319-321 (1984)
4EEDominique de Werra: Obstructions for regular colorings. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 32(3): 326-335 (1982)
3EEDominique de Werra: Multigraphs with quasiweak odd cycles. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 23(1): 75-82 (1977)
2EEDominique de Werra: Some remarks on good colorations. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 21(1): 57-64 (1976)
1EEJ. C. Arditti, Dominique de Werra: A note on a paper by D. Seinsche. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 21(1): 90 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Gabriela Alexe [55]
2Edoardo Amaldi [36]
3J. C. Arditti [1]
4Armen S. Asratian [50]
5Cédric Bentz [81]
6Claude Benzaken [7]
7Jacek Blazewicz [18] [26] [30] [31] [32] [41] [45] [84]
8Ivo Blöchliger [57] [76]
9T. Bornand-Jaccard [73]
10Endre Boros [86]
11J. Bovet [25]
12Jacques Carlier [86]
13Maurice Cochand [16] [23]
14C. Constantin [25]
15Marie-Christine Costa [63] [66] [75] [81] [88]
16Robert C. Dalang [11]
17Marc Demange [51] [58] [59] [60] [64] [65] [67] [70] [77] [90]
18Maciej Drozdowski [18] [31] [32] [41]
19Christine Eisenbeis [47]
20Tinaz Ekim [60] [61] [64] [65] [70] [71] [74] [78] [80] [85] [87] [90]
21Bruno Escoffier [59]
22Charles Friden [20]
23Fanica Gavril [33]
24Y. Gay [38]
25A. Geinoz [80]
26Valery S. Gordon [89]
27Irina V. Gribkovskaia [69]
28Peter L. Hammer [6] [7] [8] [10] [55] [79]
29Pierre Hansen [17] [53] [68]
30M. Hasler [37]
31Pavol Hell [85]
32Alain Hertz [12] [14] [15] [20] [21] [27] [44] [45] [49] [86]
33Anthony J. W. Hilton [34]
34Alan J. Hoffman [40]
35L. Jacot-Descombes [19]
36Marta Kasprzak [84]
37Tamás Kis [82]
38Daniel Kobler [45] [49]
39Wieslaw Kubiak [82]
40V. Toledano Laredo [33]
41Chung-Yee Lee [69]
42Sylvain Lelait [47]
43Benjamin Leroy-Beaulieu [84]
44Thomas M. Liebling [10]
45Vadim V. Lozin [55] [56]
46Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev [6] [8] [9] [28] [29] [40] [43] [49] [78] [87]
47Bruno Marmol [47]
48C. Marthy [37]
49P. Masson [19]
50Eddy Mayoraz [36]
51Jérôme Monnot [51] [58] [59] [67] [77]
52A. Oberlin [37]
53Yury L. Orlovich [89]
54Vangelis Th. Paschos [51] [58] [59] [67] [77]
55Uri N. Peled [28] [40]
56Christophe Picouleau [63] [66] [75] [81] [88]
57M. Preissmann [9]
58C. Raess [74]
59Bernard Ries [63] [81] [83] [88]
60F. S. Roberts [24]
61David Schindl [66] [73]
62G. Schmidt [18] [31]
63Günter Schmidt II [32]
64Bruno Simeone [10] [16] [23]
65Ph. Solot [22] [29]
66Juraj Stacho [85]
67Vitaly A. Strusevich [69]
68Leslie E. Trotter Jr. [11]
69Jan Weglarz [41]
70Marino Widmer [86]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)