
Tamás Kis

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16EEDominique de Werra, Tamás Kis, Wieslaw Kubiak: Preemptive open shop scheduling with multiprocessors: polynomial cases and applications. J. Scheduling 11(1): 75-83 (2008)
15EEAndrás Kéri, Tamás Kis: Computing Tight Time Windows for RCPSPWET with the Primal-Dual Method. CPAIOR 2007: 127-140
14EETamás Kis, Richárd Kápolnai: Approximations and auctions for scheduling batches on related machines. Oper. Res. Lett. 35(1): 61-68 (2007)
13EETamás Kis: Polyhedral results on single node variable upper-bound flow models with allowed configurations. Discrete Optimization 3(4): 341-353 (2006)
12EEAndrás Kovács, Péter Egri, Tamás Kis, József Váncza: Proterv-II: An Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling System. CP 2005: 880-880
11EEAndrás Kéri, Tamás Kis: Primal-Dual Combined with Constraint Propagation for Solving RCPSPWET. OR 2005: 685-690
10EETamás Kis, Erwin Pesch: A review of exact solution methods for the non-preemptive multiprocessor flowshop problem. European Journal of Operational Research 164(3): 592-608 (2005)
9EETamás Kis: A branch-and-cut algorithm for scheduling of projects with variable-intensity activities. Math. Program. 103(3): 515-539 (2005)
8EETamás Kis: Project scheduling: a review of recent books. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(1): 105-110 (2005)
7EEAndrás Kovács, Tamás Kis: Partitioning of trees for minimizing height and cardinality. Inf. Process. Lett. 89(4): 181-185 (2004)
6EETamás Kis: On the complexity of the car sequencing problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(4): 331-335 (2004)
5EETamás Kis, Alain Hertz: A Lower Bound for the Job Insertion Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 128(2-3): 395-419 (2003)
4EETamás Kis: Job-shop scheduling with processing alternatives. European Journal of Operational Research 151(2): 307-332 (2003)
3EETamás Kis: On the Complexity of Non-preemptive Shop Scheduling with Two Jobs. Computing 69(1): 37-49 (2002)
2 Jacek Blazewicz, Klaus H. Ecker, Tamás Kis, Michal Tanas: A note on the complexity of scheduling coupled tasks on a single processor. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 7(3): 23-26 (2001)
1 Tamás Kis, József Váncza, András Márkus: Controlling Distributed Manufacturing Systems by a Market Mechanism. ECAI 1996: 534-538

Coauthor Index

1Jacek Blazewicz [2]
2Klaus H. Ecker (Klaus Ecker) [2]
3Péter Egri [12]
4Alain Hertz [5]
5Richárd Kápolnai [14]
6András Kéri [11] [15]
7András Kovács [7] [12]
8Wieslaw Kubiak [16]
9András Márkus [1]
10Erwin Pesch [10]
11Michal Tanas [2]
12József Váncza [1] [12]
13Dominique de Werra [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)