
Eric A. Wernert

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11EEJagannathan Lakshmipathy, Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski, Eric A. Wernert: Template-based Isocontouring. Int. J. Image Graphics 6(2): 187-204 (2006)
10EEEric A. Wernert, Mike Boyles, John N. Huffman, Jeffrey Rogers, John C. Huffman, Craig A. Stewart: The john-e-box: fostering innovation, inclusion, and collaboration through accessible advanced visualization. Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2005: 64-67
9EEEric A. Wernert, Jagannathan Lakshmipathy: PViN: a scalable and flexible system for visualizing pedigree databases. SAC 2005: 115-122
8 Andrew J. Hanson, Chi-Wing Fu, Eric A. Wernert: Visualizing cosmological time. Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 423-438
7EECraig A. Stewart, David Hart, Anurag Shankar, Eric A. Wernert, Richard Repasky, Mary Papakhian, Andrew D. Arenson, Gerry Bernbom: Advanced information technology support for life sciences research. SIGUCCS 2003: 7-9
6EECraig A. Stewart, David Hart, Donald K. Berry, Gary J. Olsen, Eric A. Wernert, William Fischer: Parallel implementation and performance of fastDNAml: a program for maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference. SC 2001: 20
5EEEric A. Wernert, Andrew J. Hanson: Tethering and Reattachment in Collaborative Virtual Environments. VR 2000: 292
4 Eric A. Wernert, Andrew J. Hanson: A Framework for Assisted Exploration with Collaboration. IEEE Visualization 1999: 241-248
3EEAndrew J. Hanson, Eric A. Wernert: Image-based rendering with occlusions via cubist images. IEEE Visualization 1998: 327-334
2EEAndrew J. Hanson, Eric A. Wernert: Constrained 3D navigation with 2D controllers. IEEE Visualization 1997: 175-182
1EEAndrew J. Hanson, Eric A. Wernert, Stephen B. Hughes: Constrained Navigation Environments. Scientific Visualization 1997: 95-104

Coauthor Index

1Andrew D. Arenson [7]
2Gerry Bernbom [7]
3Donald K. Berry [6]
4Mike Boyles [10]
5William Fischer [6]
6Chi-Wing Fu [8]
7Andrew J. Hanson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8]
8David Hart [6] [7]
9John C. Huffman [10]
10John N. Huffman [10]
11Stephen B. Hughes [1]
12Jagannathan Lakshmipathy [9] [11]
13Wieslaw Lucjan Nowinski (Wieslaw L. Nowinski) [11]
14Gary J. Olsen [6]
15Mary Papakhian [7]
16Richard Repasky [7]
17Jeffrey Rogers [10]
18Anurag Shankar [7]
19Craig A. Stewart [6] [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)