
Andrew D. Arenson

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3EEAndrew D. Arenson, Ludmila Bakhireva, Tina Chambers, Christina Deximo, Tatiana Foroud, Joseph Jacobson, Sandra Jacobson, Kenneth Lyons Jones, Sarah Mattson, Philip May, Elizabeth Moore, Kimberly Ogle, Edward Riley, Luther Robinson, Jeffrey Rogers, Ann Streissguth, Michel Tavares, Joseph Urbanski, Helen Yezerets, Craig A. Stewart: Implementation of a Distributed Architecture for Managing Collection and Dissemination of Data for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research. GCCB 2006: 33-44
2EECraig A. Stewart, David Hart, Anurag Shankar, Eric A. Wernert, Richard Repasky, Mary Papakhian, Andrew D. Arenson, Gerry Bernbom: Advanced information technology support for life sciences research. SIGUCCS 2003: 7-9
1 Andrew D. Arenson: Software review: Federating data with Information Integrator. Briefings in Bioinformatics 4(4): 375 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Ludmila Bakhireva [3]
2Gerry Bernbom [2]
3Tina Chambers [3]
4Christina Deximo [3]
5Tatiana Foroud [3]
6David Hart [2]
7Joseph Jacobson [3]
8Sandra Jacobson [3]
9Kenneth Lyons Jones [3]
10Sarah Mattson [3]
11Philip May [3]
12Elizabeth Moore [3]
13Kimberly Ogle [3]
14Mary Papakhian [2]
15Richard Repasky [2]
16Edward Riley [3]
17Luther Robinson [3]
18Jeffrey Rogers [3]
19Anurag Shankar [2]
20Craig A. Stewart [2] [3]
21Ann Streissguth [3]
22Michel Tavares [3]
23Joseph Urbanski [3]
24Eric A. Wernert [2]
25Helen Yezerets [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)