
Hartmut Benz

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8EECristian Hesselman, Hartmut Benz, Pravin Pawar, Fei Liu, Maarten Wegdam, Martin Wibbels, Tom Broens, Jacco Brok: Bridging context management systems for different types of pervasive computing environments. MOBILWARE 2008: 7
7EEHartmut Benz, Maria Eva Lijding: Asynchronously Replicated Shared Workspaces for a Multi-Media Annotation Service over Internet. IDMS 1998: 260-271
6 Hartmut Benz, Steffen Fischer, Rolf Mecklenburg: Architecture and Implementation of a Distributed Multimedia Annotation Environment: Practical Experiences using Java. DAIS 1997
5 Sandford Bessler, Michael Hager, Hartmut Benz, Rolf Mecklenburg, Steffen Fischer: DIANE: A Multimedia Annotation System. ECMAST 1997: 183-198
4 Hartmut Benz, Steffen Fischer, Rolf Mecklenburg, Gabriel Dermler: DIANE - Hypermedia Documents in a Distributed Annotation Environment. HIM 1997: 293-305
3 Rolf Mecklenburg, Hartmut Benz, Steffen Fischer, Andreas Wenger: Instant Authoring with Application Output Recording: Taxonomy and usage in DIANE. ICMCS 1997: 606-607
2 Hartmut Benz, Steffen Fischer, Rolf Mecklenburg, Andreas Wenger: Application Output Recording for Instant Authoring in a Distributed Multimedia Annotation Environment. IDMS 1997: 220-230
1 Hartmut Benz: KGB - A Customizable Graph Browser. Graph Drawing 1995: 20-23

Coauthor Index

1Sandford Bessler [5]
2Tom Broens [8]
3Jacco Brok [8]
4Gabriel Dermler [4]
5Steffen Fischer [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Michael Hager [5]
7Cristian Hesselman [8]
8Maria Eva Lijding [7]
9Fei Liu [8]
10Rolf Mecklenburg [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
11Pravin Pawar [8]
12Maarten Wegdam [8]
13Andreas Wenger [2] [3]
14Martin Wibbels [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)