
Edgar R. Weippl

Edgar Weippl

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46EEStefan Fenz, Andreas Ekelhart, Edgar R. Weippl: Fortification of IT Security by Automatic Security Advisory Processing. AINA 2008: 575-582
45EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Markus Steinkellner, Edgar R. Weippl: XML security - A comparative literature review. Journal of Systems and Software 81(10): 1715-1724 (2008)
44EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, A. Min Tjoa, Edgar R. Weippl: Security Issues for the Use of Semantic Web in E-Commerce. BIS 2007: 1-13
43EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Markus D. Klemen, Edgar Weippl: Security Ontologies: Improving Quantitative Risk Analysis. HICSS 2007: 156
42EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Thomas Neubauer, Edgar Weippl: Formal threat descriptions for enhancing governmental risk assessment. ICEGOV 2007: 40-43
41EEKhalid Latif, Edgar Weippl, A. Min Tjoa: Question Driven Semantics Interpretation for Collaborative Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Reuse. IRI 2007: 170-176
40EEStefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Andreas Ekelhart, Bernhard Riedl, Edgar R. Weippl: Information Security Fortification by Ontological Mapping of the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard. PRDC 2007: 381-388
39EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Edgar R. Weippl: Ontological Mapping of Common Criteria's Security Assurance Requirements. SEC 2007: 85-95
38 Witold Abramowicz, Andreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Monika Kaczmarek, A. Min Tjoa, Edgar R. Weippl, Dominik Zyskowski: Security aspects in Semantic Web Services Filtering. iiWAS 2007: 21-31
37 Bernhard Riedl, Gernot Goluch, Stefan Pöchlinger, Edgar R. Weippl: A Comparative Literature Review on RFID Security and Privacy. iiWAS 2007: 213-222
36EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Markus D. Klemen, Edgar R. Weippl: Architectural approach for handling semi-structured data in a user-centred working environment. IJWIS 3(3): 198-211 (2007)
35EEThomas Neubauer, Christian Stummer, Edgar Weippl: Workshop-based Multiobjective Security Safeguard Selection. ARES 2006: 366-373
34EEThomas Neubauer, Edgar Weippl, Stefan Biffl: Digital Signatures with Familiar Appearance for e-Government Documents: Authentic PDF. ARES 2006: 723-731
33EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Markus D. Klemen, Edgar R. Weippl: Security Ontology: Simulating Threats to Corporate Assets. ICISS 2006: 249-259
32EEEdgar R. Weippl, Markus D. Klemen, Stefan Fenz, Andreas Ekelhart, A. Min Tjoa: The Semantic Desktop: A Semantic Personal Information Management System Based on RDF and Topic Maps. ODBIS 2006: 135-151
31EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Markus D. Klemen, A. Min Tjoa, Edgar R. Weippl: Ontology-Based Business Knowledge for Simulating Threats to Corporate Assets. PAKM 2006: 37-48
30EEStefan Fenz, Edgar Weippl: Ontology based IT-security planning. PRDC 2006: 389-390
29 Edgar Weippl: Do we Really Need Access Control? iiWAS 2006: 493-502
28 Edgar Weippl, Andreas Holzinger, A. Min Tjoa: Security aspects of ubiquitous computing in healthcare. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 123(4): 156-161 (2006)
27EEEdgar R. Weippl, A. Min Tjoa: Privacy in E-learning: How to implement anonymity. AICCSA 2005: 840-846
26EEEdgar Weippl, Markus D. Klemen, Manfred Linnert, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, A. Min Tjoa: Semantic Storage: A Report on Performance and Flexibility. DEXA 2005: 586-595
25EEEva Gahleitner, Wernher Behrendt, Jürgen Palkoska, Edgar Weippl: On cooperatively creating dynamic ontologies. Hypertext 2005: 208-210
24EERudolf Ramler, Klaus Wolfmaier, Edgar Weippl: From Maintenance to Evolutionary Development of Web Applications: A Pragmatic Approach. ICWE 2004: 287-299
23EEEdgar Weippl, Alexander Schatten, Shuaib Karim, A. Min Tjoa: SemanticLIFE Collaboration: Security Requirements and Solutions - Security Aspects of Semantic Knowledge Management. PAKM 2004: 365-377
22 Edgar Weippl: Security in E-Learning. iiWAS 2004
21EEWolfgang Eßmayr, Stefan Probst, Edgar Weippl: Role-Based Access Controls: Status, Dissemination, and Prospects for Generic Security Mechanisms. Electronic Commerce Research 4(1-2): 127-156 (2004)
20 Oscar Mangisengi, Wolfgang Eßmayr, Johannes Huber, Edgar Weippl: XML-Based OLAP Query Processing in a Federated Data Warehouses. ICEIS (1) 2003: 71-78
19 Reinhard Kronsteiner, Edgar Weippl, Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Gabriele Kotsis: Can P2P Deliver What Web Repositories Promised: Global Sharing of E-Learning Content? iiWAS 2003
18 Edgar Weippl: Security in E-Learning. iiWAS 2003
17 Edgar Weippl, Wolfgang Eßmayr, Ludwig Klug: A New Approach To Secure Federated Information Bases Using Agent Technology. J. Database Manag. 14(1): 48-68 (2003)
16 Edgar Weippl, Wolfgang Eßmayr: Personal Trusted Devices for Web Services: Revisiting Multilevel Security. MONET 8(2): 151-157 (2003)
15EEStefan Probst, Wolfgang Eßmayr, Edgar Weippl: Reusable Components for Developing Security-Aware Application. ACSAC 2002: 239-248
14 Edgar Weippl, Wolfgang Eßmayr, F. Gruber, W. Stockner, T. Trenker: Towards authentication using mobile devices. Communications and Multimedia Security 2002: 91-105
13EEChristine Artelsmair, Wolfgang Eßmayr, Peter Lang, Roland Wagner, Edgar Weippl: CoSMo: An Approach Towards Conceptual Security Modeling. DEXA 2002: 557-566
12EEEdgar Weippl: An Approach to Secure Distribution of Web-Based Training Courses. ACSC 2001: 199-205
11EEEdgar Weippl: Visualizing Content Based Relations in Texts. AUIC 2001: 34-41
10EEEdgar Weippl: Building secure knowledge bases: combining Java agents and DBagents. Agents 2001: 212-213
9 Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Wieland Schwinger, Edgar Weippl, Josef Altmann, Werner Winiwarter: Agent Solutions for E-Business Transactions. DEXA Workshop 2001: 84-86
8EEBronson Trevor, Edgar Weippl, Werner Winiwarter: A Modern Approach to Searching the World Wide Web: Ranking Pages by Inference over Content. INAP 2001: 316-330
7EEEdgar Weippl, Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Werner Winiwarter: Content-based Management of Document Access Control. INAP 2001: 78-86
6EEEdgar Weippl: An Approach to Role-Based Access Control for Digital Content. ITCC 2001: 290-294
5EEEdgar Weippl: Coimbra: secure Web access to multimedia content. ACM Multimedia Workshops 2000: 145-148
4EEEdgar Weippl, Wolfgang Eßmayr: Fine Grained Replication in Distributed Databases: A Taxonomy and Practical Considerations. DEXA 2000: 939-948
3EEEdgar Weippl, Jörn Altmann, Wolfgang Eßmayr: Mobile Database Agents for Building Data Warehouses. DEXA Workshop 2000: 477-481
2 Edgar Weippl, Hans Lohninger: Knowledge Landscapes: A VR Interface for Web-Based Training Knowledge Bases. EJC 2000: 271-274
1 Wolfgang Eßmayr, Edgar Weippl: Identity Mapping: An Approach to Unravel Enterprise Security Management Policies. SEC 2000: 79-88

Coauthor Index

1Witold Abramowicz [38]
2Jörn Altmann [3]
3Josef Altmann [9]
4Christine Artelsmair [13]
5Wernher Behrendt [25]
6Stefan Biffl [34]
7Andreas Ekelhart [31] [32] [33] [36] [38] [39] [40] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]
8Wolfgang Eßmayr [1] [3] [4] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20] [21]
9Stefan Fenz [26] [30] [31] [32] [33] [36] [38] [39] [40] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]
10Eva Gahleitner [25]
11Gernot Goluch [26] [36] [37] [39] [40] [45]
12F. Gruber [14]
13Andreas Holzinger [28]
14Johannes Huber [20]
15Ismail Khalil Ibrahim [7] [9] [19]
16Monika Kaczmarek [38]
17Muhammad Shuaib Karim (Shuaib Karim) [23]
18Markus D. Klemen [26] [31] [32] [33] [36] [43]
19Ludwig Klug [17]
20Gabriele Kotsis [19]
21Reinhard Kronsteiner [19]
22Peter Lang [13]
23Khalid Latif [41]
24Manfred Linnert [26]
25Hans Lohninger [2]
26Oscar Mangisengi [20]
27Thomas Neubauer [34] [35] [42]
28Jürgen Palkoska [25]
29Stefan Pöchlinger [37]
30Stefan Probst [15] [21]
31Rudolf Ramler [24]
32Bernhard Riedl [37] [40]
33Alexander Schatten [23]
34Wieland Schwinger [9]
35Markus Steinkellner [45]
36W. Stockner [14]
37Christian Stummer [35]
38A Min Tjoa (A. Min Tjoa) [23] [26] [27] [28] [31] [32] [38] [41] [44]
39T. Trenker [14]
40Bronson Trevor [8]
41Roland Wagner [13]
42Werner Winiwarter [7] [8] [9]
43Klaus Wolfmaier [24]
44Dominik Zyskowski [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)