
Gernot Goluch

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11EESimon Tjoa, Stefan Jakoubi, Gernot Goluch, Gerald Quirchmayr: Extension of a Methodology for Risk-Aware Business Process Modeling and Simulation Enabling Process-Oriented Incident Handling Support. AINA 2008: 48-55
10EEGernot Goluch, Andreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Stefan Jakoubi, Simon Tjoa, Thomas Mück: Integration of an Ontological Information Security Concept in Risk Aware Business Process Management. HICSS 2008: 377
9EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Markus Steinkellner, Edgar R. Weippl: XML security - A comparative literature review. Journal of Systems and Software 81(10): 1715-1724 (2008)
8EEBernhard Riedl, Thomas Neubauer, Gernot Goluch, Oswald Boehm, Gert Reinauer, Alexander Krumboeck: A secure architecture for the pseudonymization of medical data. ARES 2007: 318-324
7EEThomas Neubauer, Gernot Goluch, Bernhard Riedl: A research agenda for Autonomous Business Process Management. ARES 2007: 670-680
6EEGernot Goluch, Andreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Stefan Jakoubi, Bernhard Riedl, Simon Tjoa: CASSIS - Computer-based Academy for Security and Safety in Information Systems. ARES 2007: 730-740
5EEStefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Andreas Ekelhart, Bernhard Riedl, Edgar R. Weippl: Information Security Fortification by Ontological Mapping of the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard. PRDC 2007: 381-388
4EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Edgar R. Weippl: Ontological Mapping of Common Criteria's Security Assurance Requirements. SEC 2007: 85-95
3 Bernhard Riedl, Gernot Goluch, Stefan Pöchlinger, Edgar R. Weippl: A Comparative Literature Review on RFID Security and Privacy. iiWAS 2007: 213-222
2EEAndreas Ekelhart, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, Markus D. Klemen, Edgar R. Weippl: Architectural approach for handling semi-structured data in a user-centred working environment. IJWIS 3(3): 198-211 (2007)
1EEEdgar Weippl, Markus D. Klemen, Manfred Linnert, Stefan Fenz, Gernot Goluch, A. Min Tjoa: Semantic Storage: A Report on Performance and Flexibility. DEXA 2005: 586-595

Coauthor Index

1Oswald Boehm [8]
2Andreas Ekelhart [2] [4] [5] [6] [9] [10]
3Stefan Fenz [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [9] [10]
4Stefan Jakoubi [6] [10] [11]
5Markus D. Klemen [1] [2]
6Alexander Krumboeck [8]
7Manfred Linnert [1]
8Thomas Mück [10]
9Thomas Neubauer [7] [8]
10Stefan Pöchlinger [3]
11Gerald Quirchmayr [11]
12Gert Reinauer [8]
13Bernhard Riedl [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
14Markus Steinkellner [9]
15A Min Tjoa (A. Min Tjoa) [1]
16Simon Tjoa [6] [10] [11]
17Edgar R. Weippl (Edgar Weippl) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)