
Jürgen Palkoska

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9 Andreas Langegger, Jürgen Palkoska, Roland Wagner: DaVinci - A model-driven web engineering framework. IJWIS 2(2): 119-134 (2006)
8EEEva Gahleitner, Wernher Behrendt, Jürgen Palkoska, Edgar Weippl: On cooperatively creating dynamic ontologies. Hypertext 2005: 208-210
7 Andreas Langegger, Jürgen Palkoska, Roland Wagner: Simplifying a Web Application's Architecture - the DaVinci Framework. iiWAS 2005: 643-654
6EEBalázs Csanád Csáji, Josef Küng, Jürgen Palkoska, Roland Wagner: On the Automation of Similarity Information Maintenance in Flexible Query Answering Systems. DEXA 2004: 130-140
5EEJürgen Palkoska, Franz Pühretmair, Roland Wagner, Wolfram Wöß: Strategies for E-commerce Applications in Tourism. EC-Web 2003: 303-314
4EEBirgit Pröll, Jürgen Palkoska: On Accessing and Customizing Cultural Heritage Objects in Tiscover. DEXA Workshops 2002: 541-545
3EEJosef Küng, Jürgen Palkoska: An Incremental Hypercube Approach for Finding Best Matches for Vague Queries. DEXA 1999: 238-249
2 Josef Küng, Jürgen Palkoska: Vague Joins - An Extention of the Vague Query System VQS. DEXA Workshop 1998: 997-1001
1 Josef Küng, Jürgen Palkoska: VQS - A Vague Query System Prototype. DEXA Workshop 1997: 614-618

Coauthor Index

1Wernher Behrendt [8]
2Balázs Csanád Csáji [6]
3Eva Gahleitner [8]
4Josef Küng [1] [2] [3] [6]
5Andreas Langegger [7] [9]
6Birgit Pröll [4]
7Franz Pühretmair [5]
8Roland Wagner [5] [6] [7] [9]
9Edgar R. Weippl (Edgar Weippl) [8]
10Wolfram Wöß [5]

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