
Hans Weber

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14EEHans Weber: On Lattices of Uniformities. Order 24(4): 249-276 (2007)
13EEGiuseppina Barbieri, Mirko Navara, Hans Weber: Characterization of T-measures. Soft Comput. 8(1): 44-50 (2003)
12EEGiuseppina Barbieri, Mirko Navara, Hans Weber: Strict triangular norms and characterization of T-measures. EUSFLAT Conf. 2001: 455-457
11EERussell M. Taylor II, Thomas C. Hudson, Adam Seeger, Hans Weber, Jeffrey Juliano, Aron T. Helser: VRPN: a device-independent, network-transparent VR peripheral system. VRST 2001: 55-61
10EEGiuseppina Barbieri, Maria Antonietta Lepellere, Hans Weber: The Hahn decomposition theorem for fuzzy measures and applications. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 118(3): 519-528 (2001)
9EEGünther Görz, Jörg Spilker, Volker Strom, Hans Weber: Architectural Considerations for Conversational Systems -- The Verbmobil/INTARC Experience CoRR cs.CL/9907021: (1999)
8 Franz Josef Och, Hans Weber: Improving Statistical Natural Language Translation with Categories and Rules. COLING-ACL 1998: 985-989
7 Hans Weber, Jörg Spilker, Günther Görz: Parsing N Best Trees from a Word Lattice. KI 1997: 279-288
6 Hans Weber, Jan W. Amtrup, Jörg Spilker: Innovative Systemarchitekturen zur inkrementellen interaktiven Verarbeitung. KI 11(4): 26-30 (1997)
5EEGünther Görz, Marcus Kesseler, Jörg Spilker, Hans Weber: Research on Architectures for Integrated Speech/Language Systems in Verbmobil. COLING 1996: 484-489
4 Walter Kasper, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Jörg Spilker, Hans Weber: From Word Hypotheses to Logical Form: An Efficient Interleaved Approach. KONVENS 1996: 77-88
3EEJonathan D. Cohen, Amitabh Varshney, Dinesh Manocha, Greg Turk, Hans Weber, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Frederick P. Brooks Jr., William V. Wright: Simplification Envelopes. SIGGRAPH 1996: 119-128
2EEGünther Görz, Marcus Kesseler, Jörg Spilker, Hans Weber: Research on Architectures for Integrated Speech/Language Systems in Verbmobil CoRR cmp-lg/9606031: (1996)
1 Hans Weber, Mark R. Mine: Lab Large Models for Virtual Environments : A Review of the Work by the Architectural Walk-through Project at UNC. Presence 5(1): 136-145 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Pankaj K. Agarwal [3]
2Jan W. Amtrup [6]
3Giuseppina Barbieri [10] [12] [13]
4Frederick P. Brooks Jr. [3]
5Jonathan D. Cohen [3]
6Günther Görz [2] [5] [7] [9]
7Aron T. Helser [11]
8Thomas C. Hudson [11]
9Jeffrey Juliano [11]
10Walter Kasper [4]
11Marcus Kesseler [2] [5]
12Hans-Ulrich Krieger [4]
13Maria Antonietta Lepellere [10]
14Dinesh Manocha [3]
15Mark R. Mine [1]
16Mirko Navara [12] [13]
17Franz Josef Och [8]
18Adam Seeger [11]
19Jörg Spilker [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
20Volker Strom [9]
21Russell M. Taylor II [11]
22Greg Turk [3]
23Amitabh Varshney [3]
24William V. Wright [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)