
Egon Wanke

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49EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: The Clique-Width of Tree-Power and Leaf-Power Graphs. WG 2007: 76-85
48EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: Line graphs of bounded clique-width. Discrete Mathematics 307(22): 2734-2754 (2007)
47EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: A local characterization of bounded clique-width for line graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(6): 756-759 (2007)
46EEMarco Abraham, Rolf Kötter, Antje Krumnack, Egon Wanke: A Connectivity Rating for Vertices in Networks. IFIP TCS 2006: 283-298
45EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: Vertex disjoint paths on clique-width bounded graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 359(1-3): 188-199 (2006)
44EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: Minimizing NLC-Width is NP-Complete. WG 2005: 69-80
43EEWolfgang Espelage, Egon Wanke: A linear time approximation algorithm for movement minimization in conveyor flow shop processing. European Journal of Operational Research 160(2): 485-500 (2005)
42EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: On the relationship between NLC-width and linear NLC-width. Theor. Comput. Sci. 347(1-2): 76-89 (2005)
41EEEgon Wanke, Rolf Kötter: Oriented Paths in Mixed Graphs. ISAAC 2004: 629-643
40EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: Vertex Disjoint Paths on Clique-Width Bounded Graphs. LATIN 2004: 119-128
39EEWolfgang Espelage, Frank Gurski, Egon Wanke: Deciding Clique-Width for Graphs of Bounded Tree-Width. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(2): 141-180 (2003)
38EEKonstantin Skodinis, Egon Wanke: Node Replacements in Embedding Normal Form. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 65(2): 351-376 (2002)
37EEWolfgang Espelage, Egon Wanke: A 3-Approximation Algorithm for Movement Minimization in Conveyor Flow Shop Processing. MFCS 2001: 363-374
36EEWolfgang Espelage, Frank Gurski, Egon Wanke: Deciding Clique-Width for Graphs of Bounded Tree-Width. WADS 2001: 87-98
35EEWolfgang Espelage, Frank Gurski, Egon Wanke: How to Solve NP-hard Graph Problems on Clique-Width Bounded Graphs in Polynomial Time. WG 2001: 117-128
34EEWolfgang Espelage, Egon Wanke: Movement minimization in conveyor flow shop processing. SODA 2000: 233-234
33EEFrank Gurski, Egon Wanke: The Tree-Width of Clique-Width Bounded Graphs Without Kn, n. WG 2000: 196-205
32 Franz Höfting, Egon Wanke: Polynomial-Time Analysis of Toroidal Periodic Graphs. J. Algorithms 34(1): 14-39 (2000)
31EEJochen Rethmann, Egon Wanke: An Optimal Algorithm for On-Line Palletizing at Delivery Industry. ISAAC 1998: 109-118
30 Konstantin Skodinis, Egon Wanke: Neighborhood-Preserving Node Replacements. TAGT 1998: 45-58
29 Jochen Rethmann, Egon Wanke: Competivive Analysis of on-line Stack-Up Algorithms. ESA 1997: 402-415
28 Jochen Rethmann, Egon Wanke: An Approximation Algorithm for Stacking up Bins from a Conveyor onto Pallets. WADS 1997: 440-449
27 Konstantin Skodinis, Egon Wanke: The Bounded Degree Problem for eNCE Graph Grammars. Inf. Comput. 135(1): 15-35 (1997)
26 Egon Wanke: Undecidability of Restricted Uniform Recurrence Equations. Acta Inf. 33(5): 463-475 (1996)
25 Ina Koch, Thomas Lengauer, Egon Wanke: An Algorithm for Finding Maximal Common Subtopologies in a Set of Protein Structures. Journal of Computational Biology 3(2): 289-306 (1996)
24 Konstantin Skodinis, Egon Wanke: Emptiness Problems of eNCE Graph Languages. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 51(3): 472-485 (1995)
23 Franz Höfting, Egon Wanke: Minimum Cost Paths in Periodic Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 24(5): 1051-1067 (1995)
22 Franz Höfting, Egon Wanke: Polynomial Time Analysis of Torodial Periodic Graphs. ICALP 1994: 544-555
21 Konstantin Skodinis, Egon Wanke: The Bounded Degree Problem for Non-Obstructing eNCE Graph Grammars. TAGT 1994: 211-224
20 Konstantin Skodinis, Egon Wanke: Exponential Time Analysis of Confluent and Boundary eNCE Graph Languages. WG 1994: 180-192
19EEEgon Wanke: k-NLC Graphs and Polynomial Algorithms. Discrete Applied Mathematics 54(2-3): 251-266 (1994)
18 Egon Wanke: On the Decidability of Certain Integer Subgraph Problems on Context-Free Graph Languages Inf. Comput. 113(1): 26-49 (1994)
17 Egon Wanke: Bounded Tree-Width and LOGCFL. J. Algorithms 16(3): 470-491 (1994)
16 Egon Wanke: The Complexity of Connectivity Problems on Context-Free Graph Languages. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(1): 57-82 (1994)
15 Egon Wanke: Paths and Cycles in Finite Periodic Graphs. MFCS 1993: 751-760
14 Franz Höfting, Egon Wanke: Polynomial Algorithms for Minimum Cost Paths in Periodic Graphs. SODA 1993: 493-499
13 Franz Höfting, Egon Wanke, Aurel Balmosan, Curd Bergmann: 1st Grade - A System for Implementation, Testing and Animation of Graph Algorithms. STACS 1993: 706-707
12 Egon Wanke: Bounded Tree-Width and LOGCFL. WG 1993: 33-44
11EEThomas Lengauer, Egon Wanke: Efficient Decision Procedures for Graph Properties on Centext-Free Graph Languages. J. ACM 40(2): 368-393 (1993)
10 Franz Höfting, Thomas Lengauer, Egon Wanke: Processing of Hierarchically Defined Graphs and Graph Families. Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms 1992: 44-69
9 Egon Wanke: On the Decidability of Integer Subgraph Problems on Context-Free Graph Languages. FCT 1991: 415-426
8 Egon Wanke: Algorithms for Graph Problems on BNLC Structured Graphs Inf. Comput. 94(1): 93-122 (1991)
7 Egon Wanke: PLEXUS: Tools for Analyzing Graph Grammars. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science 1990: 68-69
6 Egon Wanke: The Complexity of Connectivity Problems on Context-Free Graph Languages (Extended Abstract). FCT 1989: 470-479
5 Egon Wanke, Manfred Wiegers: Undecidability of the Bandwidth Problem on Linear Graph Languages. Inf. Process. Lett. 33(4): 193-197 (1989)
4 Thomas Lengauer, Egon Wanke: Efficient Analysis of Graph Properties on Context-free Graph Languages (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1988: 379-393
3 Egon Wanke: PLEXUS: A System for Implementing Hierarchical Graph Algorithms. STACS 1988: 403-404
2 Thomas Lengauer, Egon Wanke: Efficient processing of hierarchical graphs for engineering design. Bulletin of the EATCS 35: 143-157 (1988)
1 Thomas Lengauer, Egon Wanke: Efficient Solution of Connectivity Problems on Hierarchically Defined Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 17(6): 1063-1080 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Marco Abraham [46]
2Aurel Balmosan [13]
3Curd Bergmann [13]
4Wolfgang Espelage [34] [35] [36] [37] [39] [43]
5Frank Gurski [33] [35] [36] [39] [40] [42] [44] [45] [47] [48] [49]
6Franz Höfting [10] [13] [14] [22] [23] [32]
7Ina Koch [25]
8Rolf Kötter [41] [46]
9Antje Krumnack [46]
10Thomas Lengauer [1] [2] [4] [10] [11] [25]
11Jochen Rethmann [28] [29] [31]
12Konstantin Skodinis [20] [21] [24] [27] [30] [38]
13Manfred Wiegers [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)