5. TAGT 1994:
Janice E. Cuny, Hartmut Ehrig, Gregor Engels, Grzegorz Rozenberg (Eds.):
Graph Gramars and Their Application to Computer Science, 5th International Workshop, Williamsburg, VA, USA, November 13-18, 1994, Selected Papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1073 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-61228-9 BibTeX
editor = {Janice E. Cuny and
Hartmut Ehrig and
Gregor Engels and
Grzegorz Rozenberg},
title = {Graph Gramars and Their Application to Computer Science, 5th
International Workshop, Williamsburg, VA, USA, November 13-18,
1994, Selected Papers},
booktitle = {TAGT},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1073},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-61228-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
1. Rewriting Techniques
- Ricardo Alberich, Peter Burmeister, Francesc Rosselló, Gabriel Valiente, Boleslaw Wojdylo:
A Partial Algebras Approach to Graph Transformation.
1-15 BibTeX
- Richard Banach:
The Contractum in Algebraic Graph Rewriting.
16-26 BibTeX
- Michel Bauderon:
A Category-Theoretical Approach to Vertex Replacement: The Generation of Infinite Graphs.
27-37 BibTeX
- Dorothea Blostein, Hoda Fahmy, Ann Grbavec:
Issues in the Practical Use of Graph Rewriting.
38-55 BibTeX
- Andrea Corradini, Hartmut Ehrig, Michael Löwe, Ugo Montanari, Julia Padberg:
The Category of Typed Graph Grammars and its Adjunctions with Categories.
56-74 BibTeX
- Detlef Plump, Annegret Habel:
Graph Unification and Matching.
75-88 BibTeX
2. Specification and Semantics
3. Software Engineering
4. Algorithms and Architectures
5. Concurrency
6. Graph Languages
7. Patterns and Graphics
8. Structure and Logic of Graphs
9. Biology
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:43:28 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)