
Lih-Yang Wang

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5EELih-Yang Wang, Ching-Hui Lai, Kuan-Ren Pan: Quad-Tree-Based Image Shape Coding with Block Compensation. ICITA (1) 2005: 716-719
4EELih-Yang Wang, Yen-Tai Lai: Graph-theory-based simplex algorithm for VLSI layout spacingproblems with multiple variable constraints. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(8): 967-979 (2001)
3EELih-Yang Wang, Yen-Tai Lai, Bin-Da Liu, Tin-Chung Chang: Performance-directed compaction for VLSI symbolic layouts. Computer-Aided Design 27(1): 65-74 (1995)
2EELih-Yang Wang, Yen-Tai Lai, Bin-Da Liu, Ting-Chung Chang: A graph-based simplex algorithm for minimizing the layout size and the delay on timing critical paths. ICCAD 1993: 703-708
1 Lih-Yang Wang, Yen-Tai Lai, Bin-Da Liu, Tin-Chung Chang: Layout Compaction with Minimzed Delay Bound on Timing Critical Paths. ISCAS 1993: 1849-1852

Coauthor Index

1Tin-Chung Chang [1] [3]
2Ting-Chung Chang [2]
3Ching-Hui Lai [5]
4Yen-Tai Lai [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Bin-Da Liu [1] [2] [3]
6Kuan-Ren Pan [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)