
Jie Song

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30EEFang Zhu, Jie Song, Ruixia Yang, Junhua Gu: Research on Counting Method of Bus Passenger Flow Based on Kinematics of Human Body. CSSE (1) 2008: 201-204
29EEYubin Bao, Jie Song, Daling Wang, Derong Shen, Ge Yu: A Role and Context Based Access Control Model with UML. ICYCS 2008: 1175-1180
28EEGangqiang Zhao, Ling Chen, Jie Song, Gencai Chen: Large head movement tracking using sift-based registration. ACM Multimedia 2007: 807-810
27EEJie Song, Daling Wang, Yubin Bao, Ge Yu, Wen Qi: Mining Purpose-Based Authorization Strategies in Database System. APWeb/WAIM Workshops 2007: 86-98
26EENa-Na Li, Jie Song, Rui-Ying Zhou, Jun-Hua Gu: A People-Counting System Based on BP Neural Network. FSKD (3) 2007: 283-287
25EESumit W. Sorde, Sanjeev K. Aggarwal, Jie Song, Melvin Koh, Simon See: Modeling and Verifying Non-DAG Workflows for Computational Grids. IEEE SCW 2007: 237-243
24EEChao Lu, Jennie Si, Xiaorong Xie, Jie Song: Convergence of Direct Heuristic Dynamic Programming in Power System Stability Control. IJCNN 2007: 908-913
23EETingting Zheng, Jiaxing Cheng, Junjun Mao, Jie Song: Multifractal and R/S Analysis of Protein Structure. SNPD (2) 2007: 622-626
22EEJie Song, Tiezheng Nie, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: An Effective Web Page Layout Adaptation for Various Resolutions. APWeb 2006: 779-785
21EEMelvin Koh, Jie Song, Liang Peng, Simon See: Service Registry Discovery using GridSearch P2P Framework. CCGRID 2006: 11
20EETiezheng Nie, Ge Yu, Derong Shen, Yue Kou, Jie Song: An Approach for Composing Web Services on Demand. CSCWD 2006: 734-739
19EEJie Song, Jiaxing Cheng, Tingting Zheng: Protein 3D HP model folding simulation based on ACO. ISDA (1) 2006: 410-415
18EEHui Wang, Dong Xiang, Guanghong Duan, Jie Song: A Hybrid Heuristic Approach for Disassembly/Recycle Applications. ISDA (1) 2006: 985-995
17EEJie Song, Ge Yu, Daling Wang, Tiezheng Nie: Offline Web Client: Approach, Design and Implementation Based on Web System. WISE 2006: 308-314
16EEShi Feng, Jie Song, Xuhui Bai, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: A Web-Based Transformation System for Massive Scientific Data. WISE Workshops 2006: 104-114
15EEJie Song, Chee-Kian Koh, Simon See, Kheng Leng Gay: Performance Investigation of Weighted Meta-scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Grid. GCC 2005: 1021-1030
14EELiang Peng, Melvin Koh, Jie Song, Simon See: Performance Monitoring for Distributed Service Oriented Grid Architecture. ICA3PP 2005: 351-356
13EEJie Song, Jiaxing Cheng, Tingting Zheng, Junjun Mao: A Novel Genetic Algorithm for HP Model Protein Folding. PDCAT 2005: 935-937
12EESajindra Jayasena, Chin-Peng Yee, Jie Song, Abele Stoelwinder, Chong Wee See, Wai-Hong Wong: Data Resource Discovery in a Computational Grid. GCC Workshops 2004: 303-310
11EELiang Peng, Simon See, Jie Song, Appie Stoelwinder, Hoon Kang Neo: Benchmark Performance on Cluster Grid with NGB. IPDPS 2004
10EEGang Chen, Zhonghua Yang, Simon See, Jie Song: Agent-Mediated Genetic Super-Scheduling in Grid Environments. PDCAT 2004: 367-371
9EEJie Song, Zhonghua Yang, Simon See: Investigating Super Scheduling Algorithms for Grid Computing: A Simulation Approach. PDCAT 2004: 372-375
8EEJie Song, Huanwen Tang: Accurate Classification of Homodimeric vs Other Homooligomeric Proteins Using a New Measure of Information Discrepancy. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(4): 1324-1327 (2004)
7EEBu-Sung Lee, Wing-Keong Woo, Chai Kiat Yeo, Teck Meng Lim, Bee-Hwa Lim, Yuxiong He, Jie Song: Secure communications between bandwidth brokers. Operating Systems Review 38(1): 43-57 (2004)
6EESimon See, Jie Song, Liang Peng, Appie Stoelwinder, Hoon Kang Neo: GriDE: A Grid-Enabled Development Environment. GCC (1) 2003: 495-502
5EEWade Trappe, Jie Song, Radha Poovendran, K. J. Ray Liu: Key management and distribution for secure multimedia multicast. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 5(4): 544-557 (2003)
4EEJie Song, K. J. Ray Liu: Robust progressive image transmission over OFDM systems using space-time block code. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 4(3): 394-406 (2002)
3EEJie Song, K. J. Ray Liu: A data embedded video coding scheme for error-prone channels. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 3(4): 415-423 (2001)
2 Jie Song, K. J. Ray Liu: Progressive Image Transmission over OFDM Systems using Multiple Antennas. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (II) 2000: 1003-1006
1EEJie Song, K. J. Ray Liu: A data embedding scheme for H.263 compatible video coding. ISCAS (4) 1999: 390-393

Coauthor Index

1Sanjeev K. Aggarwal [25]
2Xuhui Bai [16]
3Yubin Bao [27] [29]
4Gang Chen [10]
5Gencai Chen [28]
6Ling Chen [28]
7Jiaxing Cheng [13] [19] [23]
8Guanghong Duan [18]
9Shi Feng [16]
10Kheng Leng Gay [15]
11Jun-Hua Gu [26]
12Junhua Gu [30]
13Yuxiong He [7]
14Sajindra Jayasena [12]
15Chee-Kian Koh [15]
16Melvin Koh [14] [21] [25]
17Yue Kou [20]
18Bu-Sung Lee (Francis Bu-Sung Lee) [7]
19Na-Na Li [26]
20Bee-Hwa Lim [7]
21Teck Meng Lim [7]
22K. J. Ray Liu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
23Chao Lu [24]
24Junjun Mao [13] [23]
25Hoon Kang Neo [6] [11]
26Tiezheng Nie [17] [20] [22]
27Liang Peng [6] [11] [14] [21]
28Radha Poovendran [5]
29Wen Qi [27]
30Chong Wee See [12]
31Simon See [6] [9] [10] [11] [14] [15] [21] [25]
32Derong Shen [20] [29]
33Jennie Si [24]
34Sumit W. Sorde [25]
35Abele Stoelwinder [12]
36Appie Stoelwinder [6] [11]
37Huanwen Tang [8]
38Wade Trappe [5]
39Daling Wang [16] [17] [22] [27] [29]
40Hui Wang [18]
41Wai-Hong Wong [12]
42Wing-Keong Woo [7]
43Dong Xiang [18]
44Xiaorong Xie [24]
45Ruixia Yang [30]
46Zhonghua Yang [9] [10]
47Chin-Peng Yee [12]
48Chai Kiat Yeo [7]
49Ge Yu [16] [17] [20] [22] [27] [29]
50Gangqiang Zhao [28]
51Tingting Zheng [13] [19] [23]
52Rui-Ying Zhou [26]
53Fang Zhu [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)