
Ariën J. van der Wal

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5EEZheng Pei, Germano Resconi, Ariën J. van der Wal, Keyun Qin, Yang Xu: Interpreting and extracting fuzzy decision rules from fuzzy information systems and their inference. Inf. Sci. 176(13): 1869-1897 (2006)
4EEGermano Resconi, Ariën J. van der Wal: Morphogenic neural networks encode abstract rules by data. Inf. Sci. 142(1-4): 249-273 (2002)
3EEDa Ruan, Ariën J. van der Wal: Preface. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 28(1): 1-3 (1999)
2 Da Ruan, Ariën J. van der Wal: Controlling the Power output of a Nuclear Reactor with Fuzzy Logic. Inf. Sci. 110(3-4): 151-177 (1998)
1EEAriën J. van der Wal: Neuro-fuzzy controllers: Design and application: Jelena Godjevac. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 25(1-2): 127-128 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Zheng Pei [5]
2Keyun Qin [5]
3Germano Resconi [4] [5]
4Da Ruan [2] [3]
5Yang Xu [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)