
Stefan Wölfl

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11 Christian Freksa, Nora S. Newcombe, Peter Gärdenfors, Stefan Wölfl: Spatial Cognition VI. Learning, Reasoning, and Talking about Space, International Conference Spatial Cognition 2008, Freiburg, Germany, September 15-19, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
10 Marco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Reasoning about Topological and Positional Information in Dynamic Settings. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 606-611
9 Stefan Wölfl, Till Mossakowski, Lutz Schröder: Qualitative Constraint Calculi: Heterogeneous Verification of Composition Tables. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 665-
8 Diedrich Wolter, Frank Dylla, Lutz Frommberger, Jan Oliver Wallgrün, Bernhard Nebel, Stefan Wölfl: Qualitative Spatial Reasoning for Rule Compliant Agent Navigation. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 673-674
7 Marco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Temporalizing Cardinal Directions: From Constraint Satisfaction to Planning. KR 2006: 472-480
6EEStefan Wölfl, Till Mossakowski: Casl Specifications of Qualitative Calculi. COSIT 2005: 200-217
5EEMarco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Temporalizing Spatial Calculi: On Generalized Neighborhood Graphs. KI 2005: 64-78
4EEStefan Wölfl, Till Mossakowski, Lutz Schröder: Qualitative Constraint Calculi: Heterogeneous Verification of Composition Tables. Spatial Cognition: Specialization and Integration 2005
3EEStefan Wölfl: Events in Branching Time. Studia Logica 79(2): 255-282 (2005)
2EEStefan Wölfl: Qualitative Action Theory: A Comparison of the Semantics of Alternating-Time Temporal Logic and the Kutschera-Belnap Approach to Agency. JELIA 2004: 70-81
1EEMarco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Branching Allen. Spatial Cognition 2004: 323-343

Coauthor Index

1Frank Dylla [8]
2Christian Freksa [11]
3Lutz Frommberger [8]
4Peter Gärdenfors [11]
5Till Mossakowski [4] [6] [9]
6Bernhard Nebel [8]
7Nora S. Newcombe [11]
8Marco Ragni [1] [5] [7] [10]
9Lutz Schröder [4] [9]
10Jan Oliver Wallgrün [8]
11Diedrich Wolter [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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