
Marco Ragni

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10 Marco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Reasoning about Topological and Positional Information in Dynamic Settings. FLAIRS Conference 2008: 606-611
9EEReinhard Moratz, Marco Ragni: Qualitative spatial reasoning about relative point position. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 19(1): 75-98 (2008)
8EEMarco Ragni, Bolormaa Tseden, Markus Knauff: Cross-Cultural Similarities in Topological Reasoning. COSIT 2007: 32-46
7EEStefan Schleipen, Marco Ragni, Thomas Fangmeier: Negation in Spatial Reasoning. KI 2007: 175-189
6 Marco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Temporalizing Cardinal Directions: From Constraint Satisfaction to Planning. KR 2006: 472-480
5EEMarco Ragni, Thomas Fangmeier, Lara Webber, Markus Knauff: Preferred Mental Models: How and Why They Are So Important in Human Reasoning with Spatial Relations. Spatial Cognition 2006: 175-190
4EEMarco Ragni, Alexander Scivos: Dependency Calculus Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra. IJCAI 2005: 1577-1578
3EEMarco Ragni, Alexander Scivos: Dependency Calculus: Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra. KI 2005: 49-63
2EEMarco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Temporalizing Spatial Calculi: On Generalized Neighborhood Graphs. KI 2005: 64-78
1EEMarco Ragni, Stefan Wölfl: Branching Allen. Spatial Cognition 2004: 323-343

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Fangmeier [5] [7]
2Markus Knauff [5] [8]
3Reinhard Moratz [9]
4Stefan Schleipen [7]
5Alexander Scivos [3] [4]
6Bolormaa Tseden [8]
7Lara Webber [5]
8Stefan Wölfl [1] [2] [6] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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