
Gert-Jan de Vreede

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89EEAaron Read, Michiel Renger, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Fundamental Topics of Organizing: A Research Agenda. HICSS 2009: 1-9
88EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, G. P. J. Duivenvoorde, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Practitioners vs Facilitators a Comparison of Participant Perceptions on Success. HICSS 2009: 1-9
87EEG. P. J. Duivenvoorde, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Towards an Instrument to Measure Successfulness of Collaborative Effort from a Participant Perspective. HICSS 2009: 1-9
86EERobert O. Briggs, Pedro Antunes, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Aaron Read: Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use, 14th International Workshop, CRIWG 2008, Omaha, NE, USA, September 14-18, 2008, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
85EEMichiel Renger, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Challenges in Collaborative Modeling: A Literature Review. CIAO! / EOMAS 2008: 61-77
84EEAlanah J. Davis, Victoria Badura, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Understanding Methodological Differences to Study Convergence in Group Support System Sessions. CRIWG 2008: 204-216
83EEMichiel Renger, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Using Interactive Whiteboard Technology to Support Collaborative Modeling. CRIWG 2008: 356-363
82EEBruce A. Reinig, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Goal-Attainment-Likelihood Construct and Its Effect on Satisfaction with Technology Supported Collaboration. HICSS 2008: 13
81EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Fred Niederman, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Role Separation in Strategies for Collaboration Support. HICSS 2008: 21
80EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: Computer Aided Pattern-Based Collaboration Process Design: A Computer Aided Collaboration Engineering Tool. CRIWG 2007: 165-172
79EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Gert-Jan de Vreede: The Collaboration Engineering Approach for Designing Collaboration Processes. CRIWG 2007: 95-110
78EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: Minitack Introduction: Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems. HICSS 2007: 14
77EEMehruz Kamal, Alanah J. Davis, Josephine Nabukenya, Terrance V. Schoonover, Leah Rose Pietron, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Collaboration Engineering For Incident Response Planning: Process Development and Validation. HICSS 2007: 15
76EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Fred Niederman, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Understanding the job requirements for collaboration technology support through a hybrid IT-end user job classification model: the case of collaboration engineering and facilitation. CPR 2006: 150-157
75EEHalbana Tarmizi, Matt Payne, Cherie Noteboom, Chi Zhang, Lucas Steinhauser, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Ilze Zigurs: Technical and Environmental Challenges of Collaboration Engineering in Distributed Environments. CRIWG 2006: 38-53
74EEAnn L. Fruhling, Anthony Sambol, Steven Hinrichs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Designing an Emergency Response System for Electronic Laboratory Diagnostics Consultation. HICSS 2006
73EEHalbana Tarmizi, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Ilze Zigurs: Identifying Challenges for Facilitation in Communities of Practice. HICSS 2006
72EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
71EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Robert O. Briggs: ThinkLets: a collaboration engineering pattern language. IJCAT 25(2/3): 140-154 (2006)
70EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Pushpa G. Koneri, Douglas L. Dean, Ann L. Fruhling, Peter Wolcott: A Collaborative Software Code Inspection: the Design and Evaluation of a Repeatable Collaboration Process in the Field. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 15(2): 205-228 (2006)
69EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Luis A. Guerrero: Theoretical and empirical advances in groupware research. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 64(7): 571-572 (2006)
68EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Peter H. M. Jacobs, Jaco H. Appelman: A conceptual foundation of the thinkLet concept for Collaboration Engineering. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 64(7): 611-621 (2006)
67EEPushpa G. Koneri, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas L. Dean, Ann L. Fruhling, Peter Wolcott: The Design and Field Evaluation of a Repeatable Collaborative Software Code Inspection Process. CRIWG 2005: 325-340
66EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Ann L. Fruhling, Anita Chakrapani: A Repeatable Collaboration Process for Usability Testing. HICSS 2005
65EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: Collaboration Engineering: Designing Repeatable Processes for High-Value Collaborative Tasks. HICSS 2005
64EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems. HICSS 2005
63EEAnn L. Fruhling, Kimberly Tyser, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Experiences with Extreme Programming in Telehealth: Developing and Implementing a Biosecurity Health Care Application. HICSS 2005
62EESajda Qureshi, Douglas R. Vogel, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Research Methods and Applications Introduction to Mini-Track at HICSS 38. HICSS 2005
61 Gert-Jan de Vreede, Luis A. Guerrero, Gabriela Marín Raventós: Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use: 10th International Workshop, CRIWG 2004, San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 5-9, 2004. Proceedings Springer 2004
60EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Robert O. Briggs, Jaco H. Appelman, Gert-Jan de Vreede: ThinkLets as Building Blocks for Collaboration Processes: A Further Conceptualization. CRIWG 2004: 137-152
59EEAndres Agres, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: A Tale of Two Cities: Case Studies of GSS Transition in Two Organizations. HICSS 2004
58EESajda Qureshi, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Collaborative Environments for Value Creation Mini-Track Introduction. HICSS 2004
57EEEric L. Santanen, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Creative Approaches to Measuring Creativity: Comparing the Effectiveness of Four Divergence thinkLets. HICSS 2004
56EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: Designing Collaboration Processes and Systems. HICSS 2004
55EEHesham H. Ali, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Karthik Ramachandra, Elwalid Sidahmed, Hiranmayi Sreenivas: Evaluating Wireless Architectures for GDS Applications. HICSS 2004
54EEGwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Jaco H. Appelman, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Recurring Patterns of Facilitation Interventions in GSS Sessions. HICSS 2004
53EESajda Qureshi, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel: Research Methods and Applications: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
52EEMariëlle den Hengst, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Vision Support Studios: A Framework for Research. HICSS 2003: 12
51EERobert M. Davison, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Karen D. Loch: Global Virtual Collaboration Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2003: 18
50EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs: Group Support Systems Patterns: ThinkLets and Methodologies Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2003: 20
49EEJürgen van Grinsven, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Addressing Productivity Concerns in Risk Management through Repeatable Distributed Collaboration Processes. HICSS 2003: 22
48EEEric L. Santanen, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: The Impact of Stimulus Diversity on Creative Solution Generation: An Evaluation of the Cognitive Network Model of Creativity. HICSS 2003: 229
47EERobert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Bruce A. Reinig: A Theory and Measurement of Meeting Satisfaction. HICSS 2003: 25
46EESajda Qureshi, Douglas R. Vogel, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Research Methods and Applications in Organizational Systems Research Introduction to the Minitrack. HICSS 2003: 251
45EEFred A. B. Lohman, Henk G. Sol, Gert-Jan de Vreede: The Illusion of Effective Management Information: A Critical Perspective. HICSS 2003: 266
44EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Jeroen Wien: Fifteen Years of GSS in the Field: A Comparison Across Time and National Boundaries. HICSS 2003: 9
43EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert M. Davison, Robert O. Briggs: How a silver bullet may lose its shine. Commun. ACM 46(8): 96-101 (2003)
42EERobert M. Davison, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 17
41EERobert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 19
40EEEric L. Santanen, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Toward an Understanding of Creative Solution Generation. HICSS 2002: 221
39EESajda Qureshi, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 252
38EESajda Qureshi, Andries van der Vaart, Gijs Kaulingfreeks, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs, Jay F. Nunamaker: What Does It Mean for an Organisation to Be Intelligent? Measuring Intellectual Bandwidth for Value Creation. HICSS 2002: 41
37EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Jessica Boonstra, Fred Niederman: What Is Effective GSS Facilitation? A Qualitative Inquiry into Participants' Perceptions. HICSS 2002: 43
36EEMariëlle den Hengst, Douglas R. Vogel, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Alexander Verbraeck: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2002: 6
35EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel, Alexander Verbraeck, Henk G. Sol: Collaborative Engineering of Processes and Systems - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
34EER. Maghnouji, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Alexander Verbraeck, Henk G. Sol: Collaborative Simulation Modeling: Experiences and Lessons Learned. HICSS 2001
33EERoger Harris, Robert M. Davison, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel, Michael Gurstein: Community Informatics - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
32EESajda Qureshi, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel: Research Methods and Approaches in Organizational Systems and Research - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
31EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Rabson J. S. Mgaya: Supporting Higher Education through Electronic Meeting Support in Tanzania. HICSS 2001
30EERobert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Jay F. Nunamaker, David Tobey: ThinkLets: Achieving Predictable, Repeatable Patterns of Group Interaction with Group Support Systems (GSS). HICSS 2001
29EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Fred Niederman, Ilse Paarlberg: Measuring participants' perception on facilitation in group support systems meetings. SIGCPR 2001: 173-181
28EERobert M. Davison, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Global Applications of Collaborative Technology: Introduction. Commun. ACM 44(12): 68-70 (2001)
27EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Robert O. Briggs, J. H. Ron van Duin, Bert Enserink: Athletics in Electronic Brainstorming: Asynchronous Electronic Brainstorming in Very Large Groups. HICSS 2000
26EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel, Alexander Verbraeck, Henk G. Sol: Collaborative Engineering of Processes and Systems - Introduction. HICSS 2000
25EEAndreas Johannsen, Wouter van Diggelen, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Helmut Krcmar: Effects of Video Communication and Telepresence on Cooperative Telelearning Arrangements. HICSS 2000
24EERoger Harris, Robert M. Davison, Douglas R. Vogel, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Information Technology in Developing Countries - Introduction. HICSS 2000
23EESajda Qureshi, Douglas R. Vogel, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Methods and Approaches in Organizational Systems Research - Introduction. HICSS 2000
22EEJoeri van Laere, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Henk G. Sol: Supporting Intra-Organizational Distributed Co-ordination at the Amsterdam Police Force. HICSS 2000
21EEEric L. Santanen, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: The Cognitive Network Model of Creativity: A New Causal Model of Creativity and a New Brainstorming Technique. HICSS 2000
20 R. J. L. M. Maas, R. Maghnouji, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Henk G. Sol: Getting grip on knowledge management. IRMA Conference 2000: 946-947
19EERoger Harris, Robert M. Davison, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel: Cultivating a Research Discipline for IT in Developing Countries (ITDC): A Forum to Close the Mini-Track on IT in Developing Countries. HICSS 1999
18EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel, Alexander Verbraeck, Sajda Qureshi, Henk G. Sol: Engineering Organizational Processes and Systems - Introduction. HICSS 1999
17EEHans de Bruijn, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Exploring the Boundaries of Successful GSS Application: Supporting Inter-Organizational Policy Networks. HICSS 1999
16EERobert M. Davison, Douglas R. Vogel, Roger Harris, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Information Technology in Developing Countries - Introduction. HICSS 1999
15EEEric L. Santanen, Robert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: A cognitive network model of creativity: a renewed focus on brainstorming methodology. ICIS 1999: 489-494
14EEMichael Gurstein, Peter Day, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Michael Miller, Celia T. Romm, Vanessa Whitehead: Community informatics: international experiences and case studies (panel session). ICIS 1999: 578-581
13EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Hans de Bruijn: Exploring the Boundaries of Successful GSS Application: Supporting Inter-Organizational Policy Networks. DATA BASE 30(3&4): 111-130 (1999)
12EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Douglas R. Vogel, Alexander Verbraeck, Henk G. Sol: The Dynamics of Business Engineering Introduction to the minitrack. HICSS (1) 1998: 632
11EEDaniel T. T. van Eijck, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Simulation Supportfor Organizational Coordination. HICSS (1) 1998: 633-642
10EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Noel Jones, Rabson J. S. Mgaya: A New Driving Force behind Capacity Building in Africa: Group Support Systems. HICSS (6) 1998: 705-
9EEKees Wim van den Herik, Gert-Jan de Vreede: GSS for cooperative policymaking: no trivial matter. GROUP 1997: 148-157
8EEKenneth R. Walsh, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Generating Insight for Reengineering. HICSS (2) 1997: 210-219
7EEGert-Jan de Vreede: Support for Collaborative Design: Animated Electronic Meetings. HICSS (2) 1997: 376-385
6EERobert O. Briggs, Gert-Jan de Vreede: Measuring satisfaction in GSS meetings. ICIS 1997: 483-484
5EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Wouter van Wijk: A field study into the organizational application of group support systems. SIGCPR 1997: 151-159
4EEGert-Jan de Vreede: Participative Modelling for Understanding: Facilitating Organizational Change with GSS. HICSS (3) 1996: 398-407
3EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Alexander Verbraeck: Animating organizational processes Insight eases change. Simul. Pr. Theory 4(4): 245-263 (1996)
2EEGert-Jan de Vreede, Henk G. Sol, Gary W. Dickson: A group problem solving approach to business process redesign: combating organized crime in Amsterdam. HICSS (4) 1995: 493-502
1EEDaniel T. T. van Eijck, Gert-Jan de Vreede: The dynamics of organizational coordination. HICSS (4) 1995: 851-860

Coauthor Index

1Andres Agres [59]
2Hesham H. Ali [55]
3Pedro Antunes [86]
4Jaco H. Appelman [54] [60] [68]
5Victoria Badura [84]
6Jessica Boonstra [37]
7Robert O. Briggs [6] [15] [21] [27] [30] [38] [40] [41] [43] [47] [48] [50] [54] [56] [58] [59] [60] [64] [65] [68] [71] [72] [76] [78] [80] [81] [82] [86] [87] [88] [89]
8Hans de Bruijn [13] [17]
9Anita Chakrapani [66]
10Alanah J. Davis [77] [84]
11Robert M. Davison [16] [19] [24] [28] [33] [42] [43] [51]
12Peter Day [14]
13Douglas L. Dean [67] [70]
14Gary W. Dickson [2]
15Wouter van Diggelen [25]
16J. H. Ron van Duin [27]
17G. P. J. Duivenvoorde [87] [88]
18Daniel T. T. van Eijck [1] [11]
19Bert Enserink [27]
20Ann L. Fruhling [63] [66] [67] [70] [74]
21Jürgen van Grinsven [49]
22Luis A. Guerrero [61] [69]
23Michael Gurstein [14] [33]
24Roger Harris [16] [19] [24] [33]
25Mariëlle den Hengst [36] [52]
26Kees Wim van den Herik [9]
27Steven Hinrichs [74]
28Peter H. M. Jacobs [68]
29Andreas Johannsen [25]
30Noel Jones [10]
31Mehruz Kamal [77]
32Gijs Kaulingfreeks [38]
33Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten [44] [54] [60] [68] [71] [72] [76] [79] [80] [81] [83] [85] [87] [88]
34Pushpa G. Koneri [67] [70]
35Helmut Krcmar [25]
36Joeri van Laere [22]
37Karen D. Loch [51]
38Fred A. B. Lohman [45]
39R. J. L. M. Maas [20]
40R. Maghnouji [20] [34]
41Rabson J. S. Mgaya [10] [31]
42Michael Miller [14]
43Josephine Nabukenya [77]
44Fred Niederman [29] [37] [76] [81]
45Cherie Noteboom [75]
46Jay F. Nunamaker (Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.) [30] [38]
47Ilse Paarlberg [29]
48Matt Payne [75]
49Leah Rose Pietron [77]
50Sajda Qureshi [18] [23] [32] [38] [39] [46] [53] [58] [62]
51Karthik Ramachandra [55]
52Gabriela Marín Raventós [61]
53Aaron Read [86] [89]
54Bruce A. Reinig [47] [82]
55Michiel Renger [83] [85] [89]
56Celia T. Romm [14]
57Anthony Sambol [74]
58Eric L. Santanen [15] [21] [40] [48] [57]
59Terrance V. Schoonover [77]
60Elwalid Sidahmed [55]
61Henk G. Sol [2] [12] [18] [20] [22] [26] [34] [35] [45]
62Hiranmayi Sreenivas [55]
63Lucas Steinhauser [75]
64Halbana Tarmizi [73] [75]
65David Tobey [30]
66Kimberly Tyser [63]
67Andries van der Vaart [38]
68Alexander Verbraeck [3] [12] [18] [26] [34] [35] [36]
69Douglas R. Vogel (Doug Vogel) [12] [16] [18] [19] [23] [24] [26] [32] [33] [35] [36] [39] [44] [46] [53] [62]
70Kenneth R. Walsh [8]
71Vanessa Whitehead [14]
72Jeroen Wien [44]
73Wouter van Wijk [5]
74Peter Wolcott [67] [70]
75Chi Zhang [75]
76Ilze Zigurs [73] [75]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)