
Alain Viari

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17EEGuillaume Achaz, Frédéric Boyer, Eduardo P. C. Rocha, Alain Viari, Eric Coissac: Repseek, a tool to retrieve approximate repeats from large DNA sequences. Bioinformatics 23(1): 119-121 (2007)
16EEPatrick Durand, Laurent Labarre, Alain Meil, Jean-Louis Divol, Yves Vandenbrouck, Alain Viari, Jérôme Wojcik: GenoLink: a graph-based querying and browsing system for investigating the function of genes and proteins. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 21 (2006)
15EEFrédéric Boyer, Anne Morgat, Laurent Labarre, Joël Pothier, Alain Viari: Syntons, metabolons and interactons: an exact graph-theoretical approach for exploring neighbourhood between genomic and functional data. Bioinformatics 21(23): 4209-4215 (2005)
14 Frédéric Boyer, Alain Viari: Ab initio reconstruction of metabolic pathways. ECCB 2003: 26-34
13EEAlain Viari: How Does Computer Science Change Molecular Biology? STACS 2003: 13
12 Claudine Médigue, François Rechenmann, Antoine Danchin, Alain Viari: Imagene: an integrated computer environment for sequence annotation and analysis. Bioinformatics 15(1): 2-15 (1999)
11 V. Escalier, Joël Pothier, Henry Soldano, Alain Viari: Pairwide and Multiple Identification of Three-Dimensional Common Substructures in Proteins. Journal of Computational Biology 5(1): 41-56 (1998)
10 Marie-France Sagot, Alain Viari: Flexible Identification of Structural Objects in Nucleic Acid Sequences: Palindromes, Mirror Repeats, Pseudoknots and Triple Helices. CPM 1997: 224-246
9EEMarie-France Sagot, Alain Viari, Henry Soldano: Multiple Sequence Comparison - A Peptide Matching Approach. Theor. Comput. Sci. 180(1-2): 115-137 (1997)
8 Marie-France Sagot, Alain Viari: A Double Combinatorial Approach to Discovering Patterns in Biological Sequences. CPM 1996: 186-208
7 Marie-France Sagot, Alain Viari, Henry Soldano: Multiple Sequence Comparison: A Peptide Matching Approach. CPM 1995: 366-385
6 Claudine Médigue, Thierry Vermat, Gilles Bisson, Alain Viari, Antoine Danchin: Cooperative Computer System For Genome Sequence Analysis. ISMB 1995: 249-258
5 Marie-France Sagot, Alain Viari, Henry Soldano: A Distance-Based Block Searching Algorithm. ISMB 1995: 322-331
4 Marie-France Sagot, Alain Viari, Joël Pothier, Henry Soldano: Finding flexible patterns in a text: an application to three-dimensional molecular matching. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 11(1): 59-70 (1995)
3EEHenry Soldano, Alain Viari, Marc Champesme: Searching for flexible repeated patterns using a non-transitive similarity relation. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(3): 233-246 (1995)
2 E. Ollivier, Henry Soldano, Alain Viari: 'Multifrequency' location and clustering of sequence patterns from proteins. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(1): 31-38 (1991)
1 Alain Viari, Henry Soldano, E. Ollivier: A scale-independent signal processing method for sequence analysis. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 6(2): 71-80 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Guillaume Achaz [17]
2Gilles Bisson [6]
3Frédéric Boyer [14] [15] [17]
4Marc Champesme [3]
5Eric Coissac [17]
6Antoine Danchin [6] [12]
7Jean-Louis Divol [16]
8Patrick Durand [16]
9V. Escalier [11]
10Laurent Labarre [15] [16]
11Claudine Médigue [6] [12]
12Alain Meil [16]
13Anne Morgat [15]
14E. Ollivier [1] [2]
15Joël Pothier [4] [11] [15]
16François Rechenmann [12]
17Eduardo P. C. Rocha [17]
18Marie-France Sagot [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
19Henry Soldano [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [11]
20Yves Vandenbrouck [16]
21Thierry Vermat [6]
22Jérôme Wojcik [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)