3. ICCC 1976:
Pramode K. Verma (Ed.):
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Communication,
August 3-6,
1976. International Council for Computer Communication,
General Session
Special Session
National and Multi-National Computer Networks and Services - I
Legal Issues in Computer Communication
Computer Communication System Analysis and Design
Computer Communication Using Satellites
Economic Analysis of Information Technology
- G. Altehage, W. Staudinger:
Economic Aspects of a Public Switched Data Network Exemplified by the Deutsche Bundespost Electronic Data Switching System (EDS).
159-164 BibTeX
- Y. Masuda:
Conceptual Structure of Information Economics.
165-169 BibTeX
- F. E. Hobson:
Towards a Mathematical Model of "Information Society".
170-173 BibTeX
Specific Applications of Computer Communications Systems
Computer Assisted Conferencing
National and Multi-National Computer Networks and Services - II
Management Issues in Computer Networks
Computer Communication System Design - I
- A. Bache, Y. Matras:
Fundamental Choices in the Development of RCP, the Experimental Packet-Switched Data Transmission Service of the French PTT.
311-316 BibTeX
- B. Nakamura, F. Ishino, M. Sasaoha, M. Nahamura:
Some Design Aspects of a Public Packet Switched Network.
317-322 BibTeX
- M. E. Ulug, D. F. Weir, L. B. Morris, J. G. Gruber:
An Experimental Transparent Intelligent Network.
323-329 BibTeX
- W. Hsieh, Mario Gerla, P. McGregor, John Eckl:
Locating Backbone Switches in a Large Packet Network.
330-339 BibTeX
- R. B. Jueneman, G. S. Kerr:
Explicit Path Routing in Communications Networks.
340-342 BibTeX
Performance and Standards
Computer Communication Network Planning
Privacy and Security Issues in Computer Communication
Computer Communication Systems:
Hardware and Software
Flow and Congestion Controls in Computer Cummunication Systems
Computer Communication Systems Design - II
National Policies and Business Development in Computer Communication
Some World Issues in Computer Communication
Computer Networking:
Architecture and Performance Measurements
The information on this page was contributed by James E. Donnelley.
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:34 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)