
Dragica Vasileska

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5EEDragica Vasileska, Santhosh Krishnan, Massimo V. Fischetti: Examining Performance Enhancement of p-Channel Strained-SiGe MOSFET Devices. Numerical Methods and Applications 2006: 189-196
4EEMihail Nedjalkov, Todor V. Gurov, Hans Kosina, Dragica Vasileska, V. Palankovski: Femtosecond Evolution of Spatially Inhomogeneous Carrier Excitations Part I: Kinetic Approach. LSSC 2005: 149-156
3EESanthosh Krishnan, Dragica Vasileska, Massimo V. Fischetti: Hole transport in p-channel Si MOSFETs. Microelectronics Journal 36(3-6): 323-326 (2005)
2EEAshwin Ashok, Richard Akis, Dragica Vasileska, David K. Ferry: Spontaneous spin polarization in GaAs/AlGaAs split-gate heterostructures. Microelectronics Journal 36(3-6): 460-462 (2005)
1EEShaikh S. Ahmed, Dragica Vasileska: Modeling of Narrow-Width SOI Devices: The Role of Quantum Mechanical Narrow Channel Effects on Device Performance. LSSC 2003: 105-111

Coauthor Index

1Shaikh S. Ahmed [1]
2Richard Akis [2]
3Ashwin Ashok [2]
4David K. Ferry [2]
5Massimo V. Fischetti [3] [5]
6Todor V. Gurov [4]
7Hans Kosina [4]
8Santhosh Krishnan [3] [5]
9Mihail Nedjalkov [4]
10V. Palankovski [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)