
Mihail Nedjalkov

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14EETodor V. Gurov, Emanouil I. Atanassov, Mihail Nedjalkov, Ivan Dimov: Modeling of Carrier Transport in Nanowires. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 739-746
13EEEmanouil I. Atanassov, Todor V. Gurov, Aneta Karaivanova, Mihail Nedjalkov: Monte Carlo Grid Application for Electron Transport. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 616-623
12EES. Vitanov, Mihail Nedjalkov, V. Palankovski: A Monte Carlo Model of Piezoelectric Scattering in GaN. Numerical Methods and Applications 2006: 197-204
11EEMihail Nedjalkov, Todor V. Gurov, Hans Kosina, Dragica Vasileska, V. Palankovski: Femtosecond Evolution of Spatially Inhomogeneous Carrier Excitations Part I: Kinetic Approach. LSSC 2005: 149-156
10EEViktor Sverdlov, Hans Kosina, Christian A. Ringhofer, Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr: Quantum Correction to the Semiclassical Electron-Phonon Scattering Operator. LSSC 2005: 594-601
9EEChristian A. Ringhofer, Hans Kosina, Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr: Semiclassical Approximation of Electron-Phonon Scattering Beyond Fermi's Golden Rule. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 64(6): 1933-1953 (2004)
8EEHans Kosina, Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr: A Stable Backward Monte Carlo Method for the Solution of the Boltzmann Equation. LSSC 2003: 170-177
7EEMihail Nedjalkov, Hans Kosina, Siegfried Selberherr: A Weight Decomposition Approach to the Sign Problem in Wigner Transport Simulations. LSSC 2003: 178-184
6EESergey Smirnov, Hans Kosina, Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr: A Zero Field Monte Carlo Algorithm Accounting for the Pauli Exclusion Principle. LSSC 2003: 185-193
5EEHans Kosina, Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr: An event bias technique for Monte Carlo device simulation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(3-6): 367-375 (2003)
4EEMihail Nedjalkov, Hans Kosina, Siegfried Selberherr: Monte Carlo algorithms for stationary device simulations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 62(3-6): 453-461 (2003)
3EEMihail Nedjalkov, Hans Kosina, Siegfried Selberherr: Stochastic interpretation of the Wigner transport in nanostructures. Microelectronics Journal 34(5-8): 443-445 (2003)
2EEHans Kosina, Mihail Nedjalkov, Siegfried Selberherr: Monte Carlo Analysis of the Small-Signal Response of Charge Carriers. LSSC 2001: 175-182
1EEMihail Nedjalkov, Todor V. Gurov, Hans Kosina, Paula A. Whitlock: Statistical Algorithms for Simulation of Electron Quantum Kinetics in Semiconductors - Part II. LSSC 2001: 183-192

Coauthor Index

1Emanouil I. Atanassov [13] [14]
2Ivan Tomov Dimov (Ivan Dimov) [14]
3Todor V. Gurov [1] [11] [13] [14]
4Aneta Karaivanova [13]
5Hans Kosina [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6V. Palankovski [11] [12]
7Christian A. Ringhofer [9] [10]
8Siegfried Selberherr [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
9Sergey Smirnov [6]
10Viktor Sverdlov [10]
11Dragica Vasileska [11]
12S. Vitanov [12]
13Paula A. Whitlock [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)