
Thierry Val

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11 Gérard Chalhoub, Erwan Livolant, Alexandre Guitton, Adrien van den Bossche, Michel Misson, Thierry Val: Specifications and Evaluation of a MAC Protocol for a LP-WPAN. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 7(1-2): 69-89 (2009)
10EEThierry Val, Adrien van den Bossche: Développement et analyse multi outils d'un protocole MAC déterministe pour un réseau de capteurs sans fil CoRR abs/0802.0799: (2008)
9EEAdrien van den Bossche, Thierry Val, Eric Campo: Proposition of a full deterministic medium access method for wireless network in a robotic application CoRR abs/0806.2509: (2008)
8EEAdrien van den Bossche, Thierry Val, Eric Campo: Prototyping and Performance Analysis of a QoS MAC Layer for Industrial Wireless Network CoRR abs/0806.2549: (2008)
7EEAdrien van den Bossche, Thierry Val, Eric Campo: Proposition and validation of an original MAC layer with simultaneous medium accesses for low latency wireless control/command applications CoRR abs/0806.2550: (2008)
6EEJackson Francomme, Gilles Mercier, Thierry Val: A simple method for guaranteed deadline of periodic messages in 802.15.4 cluster cells for control automation applications. ETFA 2006: 270-277
5EEAdrien van den Bossche, Thierry Val, Eric Campo: Proposition of a full deterministic medium access method for wireless network in a robotic application. VTC Spring 2006: 279-283
4EENicolas Fourty, Thierry Val, Philippe Fraisse, Jean-Jacques Mercier: Comparative analysis of new high data rate wireless communication technologies "From Wi-Fi to WiMAX". ICAS/ICNS 2005: 66
3EEThierry Val, Fabrice Peyrard, Michel Misson: Study and simulation of the infrared WLAN IrDA: an alternative to the radio. Computer Communications 26(11): 1210-1218 (2003)
2EEE. Llusca, Thierry Val, C. Normand, Jean-Jacques Mercier: Location of Mobile Stations in a Wireless LAN. LCN 2000: 165-
1EEChristian Soutou, Thierry Val, Fabrice Peyrard, Jean-Jacques Mercier: Proposition of an Identification Service on a Hybrid WLAN with Mobiles Stations. ER Workshops 1998: 358-367

Coauthor Index

1Adrien van den Bossche [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
2Eric Campo [5] [7] [8] [9]
3Gérard Chalhoub [11]
4Nicolas Fourty [4]
5Philippe Fraisse [4]
6Jackson Francomme [6]
7Alexandre Guitton [11]
8Erwan Livolant [11]
9E. Llusca [2]
10Gilles Mercier [6]
11Jean-Jacques Mercier [1] [2] [4]
12Michel Misson [3] [11]
13C. Normand [2]
14Fabrice Peyrard [1] [3]
15Christian Soutou [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)