
Michel Misson

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8 Gérard Chalhoub, Erwan Livolant, Alexandre Guitton, Adrien van den Bossche, Michel Misson, Thierry Val: Specifications and Evaluation of a MAC Protocol for a LP-WPAN. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 7(1-2): 69-89 (2009)
7 Gérard Chalhoub, Antonio Freitas, Michel Misson: A Novel Approach for Simulating a Bio-Contamination Process. BIODEVICES (2) 2008: 123-129
6EEFrank Favier, John Fynn, Michel Misson: Introducing wireless networking technologies as a teaching tool for foreign languages: a multimedia laboratory experiment. ACM Multimedia EMME Workshop 2007: 87-92
5EEWalid Fahs, Bassem Bakhache, Frédérique Jacquet, Michel Misson: Multicast Strategies for Robots Moving within the Coverage of A WLAN. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
4EEThierry Val, Fabrice Peyrard, Michel Misson: Study and simulation of the infrared WLAN IrDA: an alternative to the radio. Computer Communications 26(11): 1210-1218 (2003)
3EEFrédérique Jacquet, Philippe Kauffmann, Michel Misson: Striping Scheme for Wireless Communication Systems. ISCC 2000: 520-525
2EEPhilippe Kauffmann, Michel Misson: Study of a Home Automation Network Radio Variant: The Case of Télédomotis. ISCC 2000: 526-531
1EEHassan Zeino, Michel Misson: A simulation architecture for a pico-cellular hybrid network. LCN 1995: 219-226

Coauthor Index

1Bassem Bakhache [5]
2Adrien van den Bossche [8]
3Gérard Chalhoub [7] [8]
4Walid Fahs [5]
5Frank Favier [6]
6Antonio Freitas [7]
7John Fynn [6]
8Alexandre Guitton [8]
9Frédérique Jacquet [3] [5]
10Philippe Kauffmann [2] [3]
11Erwan Livolant [8]
12Fabrice Peyrard [4]
13Thierry Val [4] [8]
14Hassan Zeino [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)