
Sophie Robert

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9EESébastien Limet, Sophie Robert: FlowVR-VRPN: first experiments of a VRPN/FlowVR coupling. VRST 2008: 251-252
8EESimon Arvaux, Joeffrey Legaux, Sébastien Limet, Emmanuel Melin, Sophie Robert: Parallel LOD for static and dynamic generic geo-referenced data. VRST 2008: 301-302
7EEJérémie Allard, Valérie Gouranton, Loïck Lecointre, Sébastien Limet, Bruno Raffin, Sophie Robert: FlowVR: A Middleware for Large Scale Virtual Reality Applications. Euro-Par 2004: 497-505
6EERonan Gaugne, Sylvain Jubertie, Sophie Robert: Distributed multigrid algorithms for interactive scientific simulations on clusters. ICAT 2003
5EEMartin Becka, Sophie Robert, Marián Vajtersic: Experiments with Parallel One-Sided and Two-Sided Algorithms for SVD . ACPC 1999: 48-57
4 Sophie Robert: Computing the Singular Values of a Complex Matrix Using One-sided Jacobi Method on the Intel-paragon Machine. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 17(6): (1998)
3 Florent de Dinechin, T. Risset, Sophie Robert: Hierarchical Static Analysis for Improving the Complexity of Linear Algebra Algorithms. PARCO 1997: 261-268
2EEFlorent de Dinechin, Sophie Robert: Hierarchical Static Analysis Of Structured Systems Of Affine Recurrence Equations. ASAP 1996: 381-
1EEJean-Francois Rameau, Sophie Robert: Penetration analysis of solids. Solid Modeling and Applications 1993: 449-454

Coauthor Index

1Jérémie Allard [7]
2Simon Arvaux [8]
3Martin Becka [5]
4Florent de Dinechin [2] [3]
5Ronan Gaugne [6]
6Valérie Gouranton [7]
7Sylvain Jubertie [6]
8Loïck Lecointre [7]
9Joeffrey Legaux [8]
10Sébastien Limet [7] [8] [9]
11Emmanuel Melin [8]
12Bruno Raffin [7]
13Jean-Francois Rameau [1]
14T. Risset [3]
15Marián Vajtersic [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)