
Satoshi Ueno

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8EEDich Quang Nguyen, Satoshi Ueno: Sensorless speed control of a permanent magnet type axial gap self-bearing motor using sliding mode observer. ICARCV 2008: 1600-1605
7EESatoshi Ueno, Hiroyuki Inatsuka, Makoto Uchino, Masahiro Okuda: Texture classification and resolution control for 3S urban map. ICIP 2008: 937-940
6EESatoshi Ueno, Toshiki Naganawa, Yasuo Kokubun: High UV Sensitivity of SiON Film and Its Application to Center Wavelength Trimming of Microring Resonator Filter. IEICE Transactions 88-C(5): 998-1004 (2005)
5EEKoji Nakahira, Satoshi Ueno, Kiyoharu Aizawa: Automatic Categorization for WWW Images with Applications for Retrieval Navigation. PCM (1) 2004: 174-181
4EESatoshi Ueno, Shigeki Imai, Yasuhiro Yoshida: Signal-Based Bit Expansion Method for LCDs. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 181-186
3 Kenichi Morita, Satoshi Ueno, Katsunobu Imai: Characterizing the Ability of Parallel Array Generators on Reversible Partitioned Cellular Automata. IJPRAI 13(4): 523-538 (1999)
2 Kenichi Morita, Satoshi Ueno: Parallel Generation and Parsing of Array Languages Using Reversible Cellular Automata. IJPRAI 8(2): 543-561 (1994)
1 Kenichi Morita, Satoshi Ueno: Parallel Generation and Parsing of Array Languages Using Reversible Cellular Automata. ICPIA 1992: 213-230

Coauthor Index

1Kiyoharu Aizawa [5]
2Katsunobu Imai [3]
3Shigeki Imai [4]
4Hiroyuki Inatsuka [7]
5Yasuo Kokubun [6]
6Kenichi Morita [1] [2] [3]
7Toshiki Naganawa [6]
8Koji Nakahira [5]
9Dich Quang Nguyen [8]
10Masahiro Okuda [7]
11Makoto Uchino [7]
12Yasuhiro Yoshida [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)