
Kenichi Morita

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50EETeijiro Isokawa, Ferdinand Peper, Masahiko Mitsui, Jian-Qin Liu, Kenichi Morita, Hiroshi Umeo, Naotake Kamiura, Nobuyuki Matsui: Computing by Swarm Networks. ACRI 2008: 50-59
49EEJia Lee, Ferdinand Peper, Susumu Adachi, Kenichi Morita: An Asynchronous Cellular Automaton Implementing 2-State 2-Input 2-Output Reversed-Twin Reversible Elements. ACRI 2008: 67-76
48EEChuzo Iwamoto, Harumasa Yoneda, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: A Recursive Padding Technique on Nondeterministic Cellular Automata. IEICE Transactions 91-A(9): 2335-2340 (2008)
47EEKenichi Morita: Reversible computing and cellular automata - A survey. Theor. Comput. Sci. 395(1): 101-131 (2008)
46EEKenichi Morita, Yoshikazu Yamaguchi: A Universal Reversible Turing Machine. MCU 2007: 90-98
45EEChuzo Iwamoto, Harumasa Yoneda, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: A Time Hierarchy Theorem for Nondeterministic Cellular Automata. TAMC 2007: 511-520
44EEChuzo Iwamoto, Naoki Hatayama, Yoshiaki Nakashiba, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Translational lemmas for DLOGTIME-uniform circuits, alternating TMs, and PRAMs. Acta Inf. 44(5): 345-359 (2007)
43EEChuzo Iwamoto, Yoshiaki Nakashiba, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Translational Lemmas for Alternating TMs and PRAMs. FCT 2005: 137-148
42EEChuzo Iwamoto, Naoki Hatayama, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai, Daisuke Wakamatsu: Hierarchies of DLOGTIME-Uniform Circuits. MCU 2004: 211-222
41EEKenichi Morita, Tsuyoshi Ogiro, Keiji Tanaka, Hiroko Kato: Classification and Universality of Reversible Logic Elements with One-Bit Memory. MCU 2004: 245-256
40EEJia Lee, Ferdinand Peper, Susumu Adachi, Kenichi Morita: Universal Delay-Insensitive Circuits with Bidirectional and Buffering Lines. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(8): 1034-1046 (2004)
39 Kenichi Morita: A New Universal Logic Element for Reversible Computing. Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 285-294
38EEChuzo Iwamoto, Katsuyuki Tateishi, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Simulations Between Multi-dimensional Deterministic and Alternating Cellular Automata. Fundam. Inform. 58(2003): 261-271 (2003)
37EEJia Lee, Susumu Adachi, Ferdinand Peper, Kenichi Morita: Embedding Universal Delay-Insensitive Circuits in Asynchronous Cellular Spaces. Fundam. Inform. 58(2003): 295-320 (2003)
36EEJia Lee, Katsunobu Imai, Kenichi Morita: Simulation of one-dimensional cellular automata by uniquely parallel parsable grammars. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(304): 185-200 (2003)
35EEChuzo Iwamoto, Takeshi Andou, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Computational Complexity in the Hyperbolic Plane. MFCS 2002: 365-374
34EEKatsunobu Imai, Kenji Fujita, Chuzo Iwamoto, Kenichi Morita: Embedding a Logically Universal Model and a Self-Reproducing Model into Number-Conserving Cellular Automata. UMC 2002: 164-175
33EEJia Lee, Ferdinand Peper, Susumu Adachi, Kenichi Morita, Shinro Mashiko: Reversible Computation in Asynchronous Cellular Automata. UMC 2002: 220-229
32EEChuzo Iwamoto, Katsuyuki Tateishi, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: A quadratic speedup theorem for iterative arrays. Acta Inf. 38(11/12): 847-858 (2002)
31 Katsunobu Imai, Takahiro Hori, Kenichi Morita: Self-Reproduction in Three-Dimensional Reversible Cellular Space. Artificial Life 8(2): 155-174 (2002)
30EEKatsunobu Imai, Kenichi Morita, Kenji Sako: Firing Squad Synchronization Problem in Number-Conserving Cellular Automata. Fundam. Inform. 52(1-3): 133-141 (2002)
29EEChuzo Iwamoto, Tomonobu Hatsuyama, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Constructible functions in cellular automata and their applications to hierarchy results. Theor. Comput. Sci. 270(1-2): 797-809 (2002)
28EEKenichi Morita: A Simple Universal Logic Element and Cellular Automata for Reversible Computing. MCU 2001: 102-113
27EEChuzo Iwamoto, Katsuyuki Tateishi, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Speeding-Up Cellular Automata by Alternations. MCU 2001: 240-251
26 Jia Lee, Kenichi Morita: Generation and Parsing of Morphism Languages by Uniquely Parallel Parsable Grammars. Words, Semigroups, and Transductions 2001: 303-314
25EEKatsunobu Imai, Yukio Matsuda, Chuzo Iwamoto, Kenichi Morita: A three-dimensional uniquely parsable array grammar that generates and parses cubes. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 46: (2001)
24EEKenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Number-Conserving Reversible Cellular Automata and Their Computation-Universality. ITA 35(3): 239-258 (2001)
23EEMaurice Margenstern, Kenichi Morita: NP problems are tractable in the space of cellular automata in the hyperbolic plane. Theor. Comput. Sci. 259(1-2): 99-128 (2001)
22 Kenichi Morita, Jia Lee: Characterizing the Class of Deterministic Context-Free Languages by Semi-Right-Terminating Uniquely Parsable Grammars. Recent Topics in Mathematical and Computational Linguistics 2000: 207-217
21 Jia Lee, Kenichi Morita, Hiroki Asou, Katsunobu Imai: Uniquely Parsable Unification Grammars and Their Parser Implemented in Prolog. Grammars 3(1): 63-81 (2000)
20EEKatsunobu Imai, Kenichi Morita: A computation-universal two-dimensional 8-state triangular reversible cellular automaton. Theor. Comput. Sci. 231(2): 181-191 (2000)
19EEChuzo Iwamoto, Tomonobu Hatsuyama, Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: On Time-Constructible Functions in One-Dimensional Cellular Automata. FCT 1999: 316-326
18 Kenichi Morita, Satoshi Ueno, Katsunobu Imai: Characterizing the Ability of Parallel Array Generators on Reversible Partitioned Cellular Automata. IJPRAI 13(4): 523-538 (1999)
17 Kenichi Morita, Maurice Margenstern, Katsunobu Imai: Universality of Reversible Hexagonal Cellular Automata. ITA 33(6): 535-550 (1999)
16EEMaurice Margenstern, Kenichi Morita: A Polynomial Solution for 3-SAT in the Space of Cellular Automata in the Hyperbolic Plane. J. UCS 5(9): 563-573 (1999)
15EEKenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Uniquely parsable array grammars for generating and parsing connected patterns. Pattern Recognition 32(2): 269-276 (1999)
14 Katsunobu Imai, Kenichi Morita: A computation-universal two-dimensional 8-state triangular reversible cellular automaton. MCU (2) 1998: 90-99
13 Kenichi Morita, Noritaka Nishihara, Yasunori Yamamoto, Zhiguo Zhang: A Hierarchy of Uniquely Parsable Grammar Classes and Deterministic Acceptors. Acta Inf. 34(5): 389-410 (1997)
12 Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Logical Universality and Self-Reproduction in Reversible Cellular Automata. ICES 1996: 152-166
11EEKatsunobu Imai, Kenichi Morita: Firing Squad Synchronization Problem in Reversible Cellular Automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 165(2): 475-482 (1996)
10EEKenichi Morita: Universality of a Reversible Two-Counter Machine. Theor. Comput. Sci. 168(2): 303-320 (1996)
9EEKenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai: Self-Reproduction in a Reversible Cellular Space. Theor. Comput. Sci. 168(2): 337-366 (1996)
8EEKenichi Morita: Reversible Simulation of One-Dimensional Irreversible Cellular Automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 148(1): 157-163 (1995)
7 Kenichi Morita, Satoshi Ueno: Parallel Generation and Parsing of Array Languages Using Reversible Cellular Automata. IJPRAI 8(2): 543-561 (1994)
6 Kenichi Morita, Satoshi Ueno: Parallel Generation and Parsing of Array Languages Using Reversible Cellular Automata. ICPIA 1992: 213-230
5 Yasunori Yamamoto, Kenichi Morita: Two-Dimensional Uniquely Parsable Isometric Array Grammars. IJPRAI 6(2&3): 301-313 (1992)
4 Kenichi Morita: Computation-Universality of One-Dimensional One-Way Reversible Cellular Automata. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(6): 325-329 (1992)
3EEKenichi Morita, Kaoru Nakazono, Kazuhiro Sugata: On two-dimensional pattern-matching languages and their decision problems. Inf. Sci. 40(1): 53-66 (1986)
2EEKenichi Morita, Yasunori Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Sugata: The complexity of some decision problems about two-dimensional array grammars. Inf. Sci. 30(3): 241-262 (1983)
1 Hiroshi Umeo, Kenichi Morita, Kazuhiro Sugata: Deterministic One-Way Simulation of Two-Way Real-Time Cellular Automata and Its Related Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 14(4): 158-161 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Susumu Adachi [33] [37] [40] [49]
2Takeshi Andou [35]
3Hiroki Asou [21]
4Kenji Fujita [34]
5Naoki Hatayama [42] [44]
6Tomonobu Hatsuyama [19] [29]
7Takahiro Hori [31]
8Katsunobu Imai [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [38] [42] [43] [44] [45] [48]
9Teijiro Isokawa [50]
10Chuzo Iwamoto [19] [25] [27] [29] [32] [34] [35] [38] [42] [43] [44] [45] [48]
11Naotake Kamiura [50]
12Hiroko Kato [41]
13Jia Lee [21] [22] [26] [33] [36] [37] [40] [49]
14Jian-Qin Liu [50]
15Maurice Margenstern [16] [17] [23]
16Shinro Mashiko [33]
17Yukio Matsuda [25]
18Nobuyuki Matsui [50]
19Masahiko Mitsui [50]
20Yoshiaki Nakashiba [43] [44]
21Kaoru Nakazono [3]
22Noritaka Nishihara [13]
23Tsuyoshi Ogiro [41]
24Ferdinand Peper [33] [37] [40] [49] [50]
25Kenji Sako [30]
26Kazuhiro Sugata [1] [2] [3]
27Keiji Tanaka [41]
28Katsuyuki Tateishi [27] [32] [38]
29Satoshi Ueno [6] [7] [18]
30Hiroshi Umeo [1] [50]
31Daisuke Wakamatsu [42]
32Yoshikazu Yamaguchi [46]
33Yasunori Yamamoto [2] [5] [13]
34Harumasa Yoneda [45] [48]
35Zhiguo Zhang [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)