
Anders Tychsen

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11EEAnders Tychsen, Jonas Heide Smith: Game format effects on communication in multi-player games. Future Play 2008: 113-120
10EEAnders Tychsen, Michael Hitchens, Thea Brolund: Motivations for play in computer role-playing games. Future Play 2008: 57-64
9EEAnders Tychsen, Alessandro Canossa: Defining personas in games using metrics. Future Play 2008: 73-80
8EEAnders Tychsen, Thea Brolund, Michael Hitchens: Verbal Communication of Story Facilitators in Multi-player Role-Playing Games. ICIDS 2008: 242-249
7EEAnders Tychsen: Tales for the Many: Process and Authorial Control in Multi-player Role-Playing Games. ICIDS 2008: 309-320
6EEAnders Tychsen, Michael Hitchens, Thea Brolund: Character play: the use of game characters in multi-player role-playing games across platforms. Computers in Entertainment 6(2): (2008)
5EEAnders Tychsen, Michael Hitchens, Thea Brolund, Doris McIlwain, Manolya Kavakli: Group play: determining factors on the gaming experience in multiplayer role-playing games. Computers in Entertainment 5(4): (2007)
4EEAnders Tychsen, Susana Pajares Tosca, Thea Brolund: Personalizing the Player Experience in MMORPGs. TIDSE 2006: 253-264
3EEAnders Tychsen, Jonas Heide Smith, Michael Hitchens, Susana Pajares Tosca: Communication in Multi-player Role Playing Games - The Effect of Medium. TIDSE 2006: 277-288
2EEAnders Tychsen, Michael Hitchens: Ghost Worlds - Time and Consequence in MMORPGs. TIDSE 2006: 300-311
1EEAnders Tychsen: Tales for the many: Storytelling in RPGs, LARPs and MMORPGs. DIGRA Conf. 2005

Coauthor Index

1Thea Brolund [4] [5] [6] [8] [10]
2Alessandro Canossa [9]
3Michael Hitchens [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [10]
4Manolya Kavakli [5]
5Doris McIlwain [5]
6Jonas Heide Smith [3] [11]
7Susana Pajares Tosca [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)