
Alain Trémeau

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19EEDamien Muselet, Alain Trémeau: Rank correlation as illumination invariant descriptor for color object recognition. ICIP 2008: 157-160
18EEDamien Muselet, Alain Trémeau: Illumination invariant spatio-colorimetric normalization. ICPR 2008: 1-4
17 V. Vurpillot, Arnaud Legrand, Alain Trémeau: Color calibration of an acquisition device - method, quality and results. VISAPP (1) 2007: 157-160
16EEMichèle Gouiffès, Christophe Collewet, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, Alain Trémeau: Feature Points Tracking: Robustness to Specular Highlights and Lighting Changes. ECCV (4) 2006: 82-93
15EEMichèle Gouiffès, Christophe Collewet, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, Alain Trémeau: A Photometric Model for Specular Highlights and Lighting Changes. Application to Feature Points Tracking. ICIP 2006: 2117-2120
14EEGaël Chareyron, Alain Trémeau: Color Images Watermarking Based on Minimization of Color Differences. MRCS 2006: 82-89
13EEMike Fournigault, Pierre-Yvan Liardet, Yannick Teglia, Alain Trémeau, Frédérique Robert-Inacio: Reverse Engineering of Embedded Software Using Syntactic Pattern Recognition. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 527-536
12 Dinu Coltuc, Alain Trémeau: Simple reversible watermarking schemes. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 561-568
11EEMichèle Gouiffès, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, Alain Trémeau, Christophe Collewet: Color segmentation of ink-characters: application to meat tracabeality control. ICIP 2004: 195-198
10EEPhilippe Colantoni, Alain Trémeau: 3D Visualization of Color Data to Analyze Color Images. PICS 2003: 500-505
9 Alain Trémeau, Philippe Colantoni: Color data visualization for color imaging. VCIP 2003: 1068-1077
8EEStéphane Albin, Gilles Rougeron, Bernard Péroche, Alain Trémeau: Quality image metrics for synthetic images based on perceptual color differences. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(9): 961-971 (2002)
7EEAlain Trémeau, Philippe Colantoni: Regions adjacency graph applied to color image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(4): 735-744 (2000)
6 Philippe Colantoni, Alain Trémeau, Bernard Laget: Comparison of Color Median Filters. Electronic Imaging 1998: 186-195
5 Eric Favier, Eric Dinet, Alain Trémeau: Colour Image Comparison and Visual Perception: A Process for Descriptor Validation. Electronic Imaging 1998: 64-73
4 Philippe Longère, Alain Trémeau: Color Appearance: Effects of Texture and Relief. Electronic Imaging 1998: 89-97
3EEAlain Trémeau, Christophe Charrier, Hocine Cherifi: A vector quantization algorithm based on the nearest neighbor of the furthest color. ICIP (3) 1997: 682-685
2EEAlain Trémeau, Nathalie Borel: A region growing and merging algorithm to color segmentation. Pattern Recognition 30(7): 1191-1203 (1997)
1 Alain Trémeau, Bernard Laget: A Local Spatiocolor Analysis Applied to Pattern Segmentation. ICIP (3) 1994: 1011-1015

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Albin [8]
2Nathalie Borel [2]
3Gaël Chareyron [14]
4Christophe Charrier [3]
5Hocine Cherifi [3]
6Philippe Colantoni [6] [7] [9] [10]
7Christophe Collewet [11] [15] [16]
8Dinu Coltuc [12]
9Eric Dinet [5]
10Eric Favier [5]
11Christine Fernandez-Maloigne [11] [15] [16]
12Mike Fournigault [13]
13Michèle Gouiffès [11] [15] [16]
14Bernard Laget [1] [6]
15Arnaud Legrand [17]
16Pierre-Yvan Liardet [13]
17Philippe Longère [4]
18Damien Muselet [18] [19]
19Bernard Péroche (Bernard Peroche) [8]
20Frédérique Robert-Inacio [13]
21Gilles Rougeron [8]
22Yannick Teglia [13]
23V. Vurpillot [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)