
Bernard Péroche

Bernard Peroche

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27EEJean-Dominique Gascuel, Nicolas Holzschuch, Gabriel Fournier, Bernard Péroche: Fast non-linear projections using graphics hardware. SI3D 2008: 107-114
26EEBenjamin Segovia, Jean Claude Iehl, Bernard Péroche: Metropolis Instant Radiosity. Comput. Graph. Forum 26(3): 425-434 (2007)
25 Gabriel Fournier, Bernard Péroche: Multi-mesh Caching and Hardware Sampling for Progressive and Interactive Rendering. WSCG (Full Papers) 2005: 63-70
24EEGabriel Fournier, Bernard Péroche: Speeding up global illumination computations using programmable GPUs. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13(8): 727-740 (2005)
23 Rodolphe Crespin, Bernard Péroche: Light Vectors for a Moving Observer. WSCG 2004: 89-96
22 Jean-Philippe Farrugia, Stéphane Albin, Bernard Péroche: A Perceptual Adaptive Metric for Computer Graphics. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 49-52
21EEJean-Philippe Farrugia, Bernard Péroche: A Progressive Rendering Algorithm Using an Adaptive Perceptually Based Image Metric. Comput. Graph. Forum 23(3): 605-614 (2004)
20EEStéphane Albin, Bernard Péroche: Directionally Dependent Light Sources. WSCG 2003
19EEJean Claude Iehl, Bernard Péroche: Towards perceptual control of physically based spectral rendering. Computers & Graphics 27(5): 747-762 (2003)
18EEStéphane Albin, Gilles Rougeron, Bernard Péroche, Alain Trémeau: Quality image metrics for synthetic images based on perceptual color differences. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(9): 961-971 (2002)
17 Xavier Serpaggi, Bernard Peroche: An Adaptive Method for Indirect Illumination Using Light Vectors. Comput. Graph. Forum 20(3): (2001)
16 Bernard Peroche, Holly E. Rushmeier: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques 2000, Brno, Czech Republic, June 26-28, 2000 Springer 2000
15 N. Noé, Bernard Peroche: Hierarchical Reconstruction of BRDFs using Locally Supported Functions. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(2): 173-184 (2000)
14 Jean Claude Iehl, Bernard Péroche: An Adaptive Spectral Rendering with a Perceptual Control. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000)
13 Jacques Zaninetti, Pierre Boy, Bernard Peroche: An Adaptive Method for Area Light Sources and Daylight in Ray Tracing. Comput. Graph. Forum 18(3): 139-150 (1999)
12 Gilles Rougeron, Bernard Péroche: Color Fidelity in Computer Graphics: A Survey. Comput. Graph. Forum 17(1): 3-16 (1998)
11 Jacques Zaninetti, Xavier Serpaggi, Bernard Peroche: A Vector Approach for Global Illumination in Ray Tracing. Comput. Graph. Forum 17(3): 149-158 (1998)
10 Gilles Rougeron, Bernard Péroche: An Adaptive Representation of Spectral Data for Reflectance Computations. Rendering Techniques 1997: 127-138
9EEAbdelfata Nahed, Bernard Peroche: A 2 1/2 -D hierarchical model based on planar maps. Computers & Graphics 20(1): 115-123 (1996)
8EEMohand Ourabah Benouamer, Dominique Michelucci, Bernard Peroche: Error-free boundary evaluation based on a lazy rational arithmetic: a detailed implementation. Computer-Aided Design 26(6): 403-416 (1994)
7EEBernard Peroche, Christine Virlouvet: Minimally 4-edge# -connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics 125(1-3): 289-299 (1994)
6EEMohand Ourabah Benouamer, Dominique Michelucci, Bernard Peroche: Error-free boundary evaluation using lazy rational arithmetic: a detailed implementation. Solid Modeling and Applications 1993: 115-126
5 P. Roudier, Bernard Peroche, M. Perrin: Landscapes Synthesis Achieved through Erosion and Deposition Process Simulation. Comput. Graph. Forum 12(3): 375-383 (1993)
4EEDjamchid Ghazanfarpour, Bernard Peroche: A high-quality filtering using forward texture mapping. Computers & Graphics 15(4): 569-577 (1991)
3EEJean-Claude Bermond, Jean-Luc Fouquet, Michel Habib, Bernard Péroche: On linear k-arboricity. Discrete Mathematics 52(2-3): 123-132 (1984)
2EEBernard Péroche: On several sorts of connectivity. Discrete Mathematics 46(3): 267-277 (1983)
1EEMichel Habib, Bernard Péroche: Some problems about linear arboricity. Discrete Mathematics 41(2): 219-220 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Stéphane Albin [18] [20] [22]
2Mohand Ourabah Benouamer [6] [8]
3Jean-Claude Bermond [3]
4Pierre Boy [13]
5Rodolphe Crespin [23]
6Jean-Philippe Farrugia [21] [22]
7Jean-Luc Fouquet [3]
8Gabriel Fournier [24] [25] [27]
9Jean-Dominique Gascuel [27]
10Djamchid Ghazanfarpour [4]
11Michel Habib [1] [3]
12Nicolas Holzschuch [27]
13Jean Claude Iehl [14] [19] [26]
14Dominique Michelucci [6] [8]
15Abdelfata Nahed [9]
16N. Noé [15]
17M. Perrin [5]
18P. Roudier [5]
19Gilles Rougeron [10] [12] [18]
20Holly E. Rushmeier [16]
21Benjamin Segovia [26]
22Xavier Serpaggi [11] [17]
23Alain Trémeau [18]
24Christine Virlouvet [7]
25Jacques Zaninetti [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)