
Philippe Colantoni

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8 Denis Pitzalis, Philippe Colantoni, Ruven Pillay, Genevieve Aitken: GPU Spectral Viewer - A Tool for an Enhanced Colorimetric Perspective of Cultural Heritage. GRAPP 2008: 492-496
7EEPhilippe Colantoni, Alain Trémeau: 3D Visualization of Color Data to Analyze Color Images. PICS 2003: 500-505
6 Alain Trémeau, Philippe Colantoni: Color data visualization for color imaging. VCIP 2003: 1068-1077
5 Philippe Colantoni, Nabil Boukala, Jérôme Da Rugna: Fast and Accurate Color Images Processing Using 3D Graphics Cards. VMV 2003: 383-390
4EES. Chastel, Philippe Colantoni, Alain Bretto: Displaying Image Neighborhood Hypergraphs Line-Graphs. DGCI 2002: 124-135
3EEAlain Trémeau, Philippe Colantoni: Regions adjacency graph applied to color image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(4): 735-744 (2000)
2 Michael D'Zmura, Philippe Colantoni, Gregory Seyranian: Virtual Environments with Four or More Spatial Dimensions. Presence 9(6): 616-631 (2000)
1 Philippe Colantoni, Alain Trémeau, Bernard Laget: Comparison of Color Median Filters. Electronic Imaging 1998: 186-195

Coauthor Index

1Genevieve Aitken [8]
2Nabil Boukala [5]
3Alain Bretto [4]
4S. Chastel [4]
5Michael D'Zmura [2]
6Bernard Laget [1]
7Ruven Pillay [8]
8Denis Pitzalis [8]
9Jérôme Da Rugna [5]
10Gregory Seyranian [2]
11Alain Trémeau [1] [3] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)