2009 |
32 | EE | Leonardo Brenner,
Paulo Fernandes,
Jean-Michel Fourneau,
Brigitte Plateau:
Modelling Grid5000 point availability with SAN.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 232: 165-178 (2009) |
2008 |
31 | EE | Ihab Sbeity,
Leonardo Brenner,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Phase-type distributions in stochastic automata networks.
European Journal of Operational Research 186(3): 1008-1028 (2008) |
30 | EE | Jean-Michel Fourneau,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
An algebraic condition for product form in stochastic automata networks without synchronizations.
Perform. Eval. 65(11-12): 854-868 (2008) |
2007 |
29 | EE | Leonardo Brenner,
Paulo Fernandes,
Brigitte Plateau,
Ihab Sbeity:
PEPS2007 - Stochastic Automata Networks Software Tool.
QEST 2007: 163-164 |
28 | EE | Jean-Michel Fourneau,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Product form for stochastic automata networks.
VALUETOOLS 2007: 32 |
2006 |
27 | EE | Anne Benoit,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Memory-efficient Kronecker algorithms with applications to the modelling of parallel systems.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(7): 838-847 (2006) |
2005 |
26 | | Anne Benoit,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Réseaux d'automates stochastiques à temps discret.
Technique et Science Informatiques 24(2-3): 229-248 (2005) |
2004 |
25 | EE | Ming-Ying Chung,
Gianfranco Ciardo,
Susanna Donatelli,
N. He,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart,
E. Sulaiman,
Andy Jinqing Yu:
A Comparison of Structural Formalisms for Modeling Large Markov Models.
IPDPS Next Generation Software Program - NSFNGS - PI Workshop 2004 |
24 | EE | Anne Benoit,
Paulo Fernandes,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
On the benefits of using functional transitions and Kronecker algebra.
Perform. Eval. 58(4): 367-390 (2004) |
2003 |
23 | EE | Anne Benoit,
Leonardo Brenner,
Paulo Fernandes,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
The PEPS Software Tool.
Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2003: 98-115 |
22 | EE | Anne Benoit,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Memory-Efficient Kronecker Algorithms with Applications to the Modelling of Parallel Systems.
IPDPS 2003: 275 |
2002 |
21 | EE | Brigitte Plateau:
The Grid: Challenges and Research Issues.
ASIAN 2002: 13-14 |
2001 |
20 | EE | Paulo Fernandes,
Brigitte Plateau:
Triangular solution of linear systems in tensor product format.
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28(4): 30-32 (2001) |
1998 |
19 | EE | Paulo Fernandes,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Efficient Descriptor-Vector Multiplications in Stochastic Automata Networks.
J. ACM 45(3): 381-414 (1998) |
1997 |
18 | | Raymond A. Marie,
Brigitte Plateau,
Maria Calzarossa,
Gerardo Rubino:
Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools, 9th International Conference, St. Malo, France, June 3-6, 1997, Proceedings
Springer 1997 |
17 | | Jacques Briat,
Ilan Ginzburg,
Marcelo Pasin,
Brigitte Plateau:
Athapascan Runtime: Efficiency for Irregular Problems.
Euro-Par 1997: 591-600 |
1995 |
16 | | Paulo Fernandes,
Brigitte Plateau,
William J. Stewart:
Numerical Evaluation of Stochastic Automata Networks.
MASCOTS 1995: 179-183 |
1994 |
15 | | Cécile Tron,
Brigitte Plateau:
Modelling of Communication Contention in Multiprocessors.
Computer Performance Evaluation 1994: 406-424 |
1993 |
14 | | Cécile Tron,
Y. Arrouye,
Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux,
Joao Paulo Kitajima,
Eric Maillet,
Brigitte Plateau,
Jean-Marc Vincent:
Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems - ALPES Environment.
PARCO 1993: 715-718 |
1992 |
13 | | Joao Paulo Kitajima,
Brigitte Plateau:
Building Synthetic Parallel Programs: the Project ALPES.
Programming Environments for Parallel Computing 1992: 161-170 |
12 | | Brigitte Plateau,
Denis Trystram:
Optimal Total Exchange for a 3-D Torus of Processors.
Inf. Process. Lett. 42(2): 95-102 (1992) |
1991 |
11 | | Abderezak Touzene,
Brigitte Plateau:
Optimal Multinode Broadcast on a Mesh Connected Graph with Reduced Bufferization.
EDMCC 1991: 143-152 |
10 | EE | Brigitte Plateau,
Karim Atif:
Stochastic Automata Network For Modeling Parallel Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(10): 1093-1108 (1991) |
9 | | Brigitte Plateau,
Jean-Michel Fourneau:
A Methodology for Solving Markov Models of Parallel Systems.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 12(4): 370-387 (1991) |
1990 |
8 | | Jean-Chrysostome Bolot,
A. Udaya Shankar,
Brigitte Plateau:
Performance Analysis of Transport Protocols over Congestive Channels.
Perform. Eval. 11(1): 45-65 (1990) |
1988 |
7 | | Brigitte Plateau,
Satish K. Tripathi:
Performance Analysis of Synchronization for Two Communicating Processes.
Perform. Eval. 8(4): 305-320 (1988) |
1985 |
6 | | Brigitte Plateau:
On the Stochastic Structure of Parallelism and Synchronization Models for Distributed Algorithms.
SIGMETRICS 1985: 147-154 |
1984 |
5 | EE | François Baccelli,
Erol Gelenbe,
Brigitte Plateau:
An End-to-End Approach to the Resequencing Problem.
J. ACM 31(3): 474-485 (1984) |
1982 |
4 | | Gilbert Harrus,
Brigitte Plateau:
Queueing Analysis of a Reordering Issue.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(2): 113-123 (1982) |
3 | | Brigitte Plateau:
Modelling of the Parallel Resolution of a Numerical Problem on a Locally Distributed Computing System.
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 11(4): 108-117 (1982) |
1981 |
2 | | Edward G. Coffman Jr.,
Erol Gelenbe,
Brigitte Plateau:
Optimization of the Number of Copies in a Distributed Data Base.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(1): 78-84 (1981) |
1980 |
1 | | Brigitte Plateau:
Evaluation des Performances d'un Algorithme de Controle de la Cohérence d'une Base de Données Répartie.
Acta Inf. 14: 39-62 (1980) |