
Claire Tomlin

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22EEKaushik Roy, Claire Tomlin: A New Hybrid State Estimator for Systems with Limited Mode Changes. HSCC 2007: 487-500
21EEAnil Aswani, Claire Tomlin: Reachability Algorithm for Biological Piecewise-Affine Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2007: 633-636
20EERobin L. Raffard, Jianghai Hu, Claire Tomlin: Adjoint-Based Optimal Control of the Expected Exit Time for Stochastic Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2005: 557-572
19EEClaire Tomlin: Session Overview Robot Design and Control. ISRR 2005: 325-326
18EEHamsa Balakrishnan, Inseok Hwang, Jung Soon Jang, Claire Tomlin: Inference Methods for Autonomous Stochastic Linear Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2004: 64-79
17EEAlexandre M. Bayen, Robin L. Raffard, Claire Tomlin: Network Congestion Alleviation Using Adjoint Hybrid Control: Application to Highways. HSCC 2004: 95-110
16EEDusan M. Stipanovic, Gökhan Inalhan, Rodney Teo, Claire Tomlin: Decentralized overlapping control of a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Automatica 40(8): 1285-1296 (2004)
15EERonojoy Ghosh, Ashish Tiwari, Claire Tomlin: Automated Symbolic Reachability Analysis; with Application to Delta-Notch Signaling Automata. HSCC 2003: 233-248
14EEIan M. Mitchell, Claire Tomlin: Overapproximating Reachable Sets by Hamilton-Jacobi Projections. J. Sci. Comput. 19(1-3): 323-346 (2003)
13 Claire Tomlin, Ian Mitchell, Alexandre M. Bayen, Meeko Oishi: Computational techniques for the verification of hybrid systems. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(7): 986-1001 (2003)
12 Claire Tomlin, Mark R. Greenstreet: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 5th International Workshop, HSCC 2002, Stanford, CA, USA, March 25-27, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
11EEAlexandre M. Bayen, Eva Crück, Claire Tomlin: Guaranteed Overapproximations of Unsafe Sets for Continuous and Hybrid Systems: Solving the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation Using Viability Techniques. HSCC 2002: 90-104
10EEInseok Hwang, Hamsa Balakrishnan, Ronojoy Ghosh, Claire Tomlin: Reachability Analysis of Delta-NotchLateral Inhibition Using Predicate Abstraction. HiPC 2002: 715-724
9EERonojoy Ghosh, Claire Tomlin: Lateral Inhibition through Delta-Notch Signaling: A Piecewise Affine Hybrid Model. HSCC 2001: 232-246
8EEMeeko Oishi, Claire Tomlin, Vipin Gopal, Datta N. Godbole: Addressing Multiobjective Control: Safety and Performance through Constrained Optimization. HSCC 2001: 459-472
7EEClaire Tomlin, Ian Mitchell, Ronojoy Ghosh: Safety verification of conflict resolution manoeuvres. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2(2): 110-120 (2001)
6EEIan Mitchell, Claire Tomlin: Level Set Methods for Computation in Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2000: 310-323
5EEClaire Tomlin, John Lygeros, Shankar Sastry: Computing Controllers for Nonlinear Hybrid Systems. HSCC 1999: 238-255
4 Claire Tomlin, John Lygeros, Shankar Sastry: Synthesizing Controllers for Nonlinear Hybrid Systems. HSCC 1998: 360-373
3 John Lygeros, Claire Tomlin, Shankar Sastry: Multiobjective Hybrid Controller Synthesis. HART 1997: 109-123
2EETak-Kuen John Koo, Yi Ma, George J. Pappas, Claire Tomlin: SmartATMS: A Simulator for Air Traffic Management Systems. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 1199-1205
1 Claire Tomlin, George J. Pappas, John Lygeros, Datta N. Godbole, Shankar Sastry: Hybrid Control Models of Next Generarion AIr Traffic Management. Hybrid Systems 1996: 378-404

Coauthor Index

1Anil Aswani [21]
2Hamsa Balakrishnan [10] [18]
3Alexandre M. Bayen [11] [13] [17]
4Eva Crück [11]
5Ronojoy Ghosh [7] [9] [10] [15]
6Datta N. Godbole [1] [8]
7Vipin Gopal [8]
8Mark R. Greenstreet [12]
9Jianghai Hu [20]
10Inseok Hwang [10] [18]
11Gökhan Inalhan [16]
12Jung Soon Jang [18]
13Tak-Kuen John Koo [2]
14John Lygeros [1] [3] [4] [5]
15Yi Ma [2]
16Ian M. Mitchell (Ian Mitchell) [6] [7] [13] [14]
17Meeko Oishi [8] [13]
18George J. Pappas [1] [2]
19Robin L. Raffard [17] [20]
20Kaushik Roy [22]
21Shankar Sastry (Shankar S. Sastry) [1] [3] [4] [5]
22Dusan M. Stipanovic [16]
23Rodney Teo [16]
24Ashish Tiwari [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)