
Bettina Thurnher

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10 Jan vom Brocke, Bettina Thurnher, Dietmar Winkler: Improving IT-Service Business Processes by Integrating Mobility: The Role of User Participation - Results from Five Case Studies. CSREA EEE 2008: 298-204
9 Jan vom Brocke, Bettina Thurnher, Dietmar Winkler: Making Use of Mobile Devices in E-Commerce - Overcoming Organizational Barriers through User Participation. ICEIS (4) 2008: 168-173
8EEDietmar Winkler, Bettina Thurnher, Stefan Biffl: Early Software Product Improvement with Sequential Inspection Sessions: An Empirical Investigation of Inspector Capability and Learning Effects. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007: 245-254
7 Key Pousttchi, Bettina Thurnher: Adoption and Impact of Mobile-Integrated Business Processes - Comparison of Existing Frameworks and Analysis of their Generalization Potential. Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2007: 273-290
6EEKey Pousttchi, Bettina Thurnher: Understanding Effects and Determinants of Mobile Support Tools: A Usability-Centered Field Study on IT Service Technicians. ICMB 2006: 10
5EEAndreas Holzinger, Maximilian Errath, Gig Searle, Bettina Thurnher, Wolfgang Slany: From Extreme Programming and Usability Engineering to Extreme Usability in Software Engineering Education (XP+UE->XU). COMPSAC (2) 2005: 169-172
4EEStefan Biffl, Bettina Thurnher, G. Goluch, Dietmar Winkler, Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch: An empirical investigation on the visualization of temporal uncertainties in software engineering project planning. ISESE 2005: 437-446
3EEWolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Bettina Thurnher, Stefan Biffl: PlanningLines: Novel Glyphs for Representing Temporal Uncertainties and Their Evaluation. IV 2005: 457-463
2EEDietmar Winkler, Stefan Biffl, Bettina Thurnher: Investigating the Impact of Active Guidance on Design Inspection. PROFES 2005: 458-473
1 Rey Abe, Martin Beinhart, Stefan Biffl, eva Kühn, Markus Ly, Bettina Thurnher: Need for Rigorous Methods and Tools in Collaborative Mobile Software Solutions - a Use Case Study on a "Travel Service Application". ISoLA (Preliminary proceedings) 2004: 42-44

Coauthor Index

1Rey Abe [1]
2Wolfgang Aigner [3] [4]
3Martin Beinhart [1]
4Stefan Biffl [1] [2] [3] [4] [8]
5Jan vom Brocke [9] [10]
6Maximilian Errath [5]
7G. Goluch [4]
8Andreas Holzinger [5]
9eva Kühn [1]
10Markus Ly [1]
11Silvia Miksch [3] [4]
12Key Pousttchi [6] [7]
13Gig Searle [5]
14Wolfgang Slany [5]
15Dietmar Winkler [2] [4] [8] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)