
Maximilian Errath

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4EEAndreas Holzinger, Regina Geierhofer, Maximilian Errath: Semantische Informationsextraktion in medizinischen Informationssystemen. Informatik Spektrum 30(2): 69-78 (2007)
3EEAndreas Holzinger, Maximilian Errath: Mobile computer Web-application design in medicine: some research based guidelines. Universal Access in the Information Society 6(1): 31-41 (2007)
2EEAndreas Holzinger, Maximilian Errath, Gig Searle, Bettina Thurnher, Wolfgang Slany: From Extreme Programming and Usability Engineering to Extreme Usability in Software Engineering Education (XP+UE->XU). COMPSAC (2) 2005: 169-172
1EEAndreas Holzinger, Maximilian Errath: Designing Web-Applications for Mobile Computers: Experiences with Applications to Medicine. User Interfaces for All 2004: 262-267

Coauthor Index

1Regina Geierhofer [4]
2Andreas Holzinger [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Gig Searle [2]
4Wolfgang Slany [2]
5Bettina Thurnher [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)