
Markus Thalmann

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2EEManfred Stadler, Markus Thalmann, Thomas Röwer, Hubert Kaeslin, Norbert Felber, Wolfgang Fichtner: Design and Verification of a Stack Processor Virtual Component. IEEE Micro 21(2): 69-80 (2001)
1 Manfred Stadler, Thomas Röwer, Hubert Kaeslin, Norbert Felber, Wolfgang Fichtner, Markus Thalmann: Functional verification of intellectual properties (IP): a simulation-based solution for an application-specific instruction-set processor. ITC 1999: 414-420

Coauthor Index

1Norbert Felber [1] [2]
2Wolfgang Fichtner [1] [2]
3Hubert Kaeslin [1] [2]
4Thomas Röwer [1] [2]
5Manfred Stadler [1] [2]

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