
William R. Taylor

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25EEWilliam R. Taylor: Protein knots and fold complexity: Some new twists. Computational Biology and Chemistry 31(3): 151-162 (2007)
24EEInge Jonassen, Daniel Klose, William R. Taylor: Protein model refinement using structural fragment tessellation. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(5): 360-366 (2006)
23EEJakob Vesterstrøm, William R. Taylor: Flexible Secondary Structure Based Protein Structure Comparison Applied to the Detection of Circular Permutation. Journal of Computational Biology 13(1): 43-63 (2006)
22EEKuang Lin, Victor A. Simossis, William R. Taylor, Jaap Heringa: A simple and fast secondary structure prediction method using hidden neural networks. Bioinformatics 21(2): 152-159 (2005)
21EEWilliam R. Taylor: Modelling molecular stability in the RNA world. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(4): 259-272 (2005)
20EEWilliam R. Taylor: A molecular model for transcription in the RNA world based on the ribosome large subunit. Computational Biology and Chemistry 28(5-6): 313-319 (2004)
19EEWilliam R. Taylor, Bing Xiao, Steven J. Gamblin, Kuang Lin: A knot or not a knot? SETting the record 'straight' on proteins. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(1): 11-15 (2003)
18EEWilliam R. Taylor, Robin E. J. Munro, Kjell Petersen, Robert P. Bywater: Ab initio modelling of the N-terminal domain of the secretin receptors. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(2): 103-114 (2003)
17EEKuang Lin, Jens Kleinjung, William R. Taylor, Jaap Heringa: Testing homology with Contact Accepted mutatiOn (CAO): a contact-based Markov model of protein evolution. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(2): 93-102 (2003)
16 Darrell Conklin, Inge Jonassen, Rein Aasland, William R. Taylor: Association of nucleotide patterns with gene function classes: application to human 3' untranslated sequences. Bioinformatics 18(1): 182-189 (2002)
15 Kuang Lin, Alex C. W. May, William R. Taylor: Threading Using Neural nEtwork (TUNE): the measure of protein sequence-structure compatibility. Bioinformatics 18(10): 1350-1357 (2002)
14 Inge Jonassen, Ingvar Eidhammer, Darrell Conklin, William R. Taylor: Structure motif discovery and mining the PDB. Bioinformatics 18(2): 362-367 (2002)
13 Kuang Lin, Alex C. W. May, William R. Taylor: Amino Acid Substitution Matrices from an Artificial Neural Network Model. Journal of Computational Biology 8(5): 471-481 (2001)
12 Inge Jonassen, Ingvar Eidhammer, Darrell Conklin, William R. Taylor: Structure Motif Discovery and Mining the PDB. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 175-182
11EEWilliam R. Taylor, Gisle Sælensminde, Ingvar Eidhammer: Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment using Double-dynamic Programming. Computers & Chemistry 24(1): 3-12 (2000)
10 Ingvar Eidhammer, Inge Jonassen, William R. Taylor: Structure Comparison and Structure Patterns. Journal of Computational Biology 7(5): 685-716 (2000)
9EEWilliam R. Taylor, Nigel P. Brown: Iterated Sequence Databank Search Methods. Computers & Chemistry 23(3-4): 365-385 (1999)
8EEAndrás Aszódi, William R. Taylor: Hierarchic Inertial Projection: A Fast Distance Matrix Embedding Algorithm. Computers & Chemistry 21(1): 13-23 (1997)
7EENigel P. Brown, Christine A. Orengo, William R. Taylor: A Protein Structure Comparison Methodology. Computers & Chemistry 20(3): 359-380 (1996)
6EEKerr Hatrick, William R. Taylor: Sequence Conservation and Correlation Measures in Protein Structure Prediction. Computers & Chemistry 18(3): 245-249 (1994)
5 William R. Taylor: Motif-Biased Protein Sequence Alignment. Journal of Computational Biology 1(4): 297-310 (1994)
4 András Aszódi, William R. Taylor: Connection topology of proteins. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9(5): 523-529 (1993)
3EEWilliam R. Taylor: Protein Structure Prediction From Sequence. Computers & Chemistry 17(2): 117-122 (1993)
2 David T. Jones, William R. Taylor, Janet M. Thornton: The rapid generation of mutation data matrices from protein sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 8(3): 275-282 (1992)
1 William R. Taylor: Multiple sequence alignment by a pairwise algorithm. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 3(2): 81-87 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Rein Aasland [16]
2András Aszódi [4] [8]
3Nigel P. Brown [7] [9]
4Robert P. Bywater [18]
5Darrell Conklin [12] [14] [16]
6Ingvar Eidhammer [10] [11] [12] [14]
7Steven J. Gamblin [19]
8Kerr Hatrick [6]
9Jaap Heringa [17] [22]
10Inge Jonassen [10] [12] [14] [16] [24]
11David T. Jones [2]
12Jens Kleinjung [17]
13Daniel Klose [24]
14Kuang Lin [13] [15] [17] [19] [22]
15Alex C. W. May [13] [15]
16Robin E. J. Munro [18]
17Christine A. Orengo [7]
18Kjell Petersen [18]
19Gisle Sælensminde [11]
20Victor A. Simossis [22]
21Janet M. Thornton [2]
22Jakob Vesterstrøm [23]
23Bing Xiao [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)