
Jens Kleinjung

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5EEAlessandro Pandini, Laura Bonati, Franca Fraternali, Jens Kleinjung: MinSet: a general approach to derive maximally representative database subsets by using fragment dictionaries and its application to the SCOP database. Bioinformatics 23(4): 515-516 (2007)
4EEJens Kleinjung, Franca Fraternali: POPSCOMP: an automated interaction analysis of biomolecular complexes. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 342-346 (2005)
3EEKuang Lin, Jens Kleinjung, William R. Taylor, Jaap Heringa: Testing homology with Contact Accepted mutatiOn (CAO): a contact-based Markov model of protein evolution. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(2): 93-102 (2003)
2 Luigi Cavallo, Jens Kleinjung, Franca Fraternali: POPS: a fast algorithm for solvent accessible surface areas at atomic and residue level. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3364-3366 (2003)
1 Jens Kleinjung, Nigel Douglas, Jaap Heringa: Parallelized multiple alignment. Bioinformatics 18(9): 1270-1271 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Laura Bonati [5]
2Luigi Cavallo [2]
3Nigel Douglas [1]
4Franca Fraternali [2] [4] [5]
5Jaap Heringa [1] [3]
6Kuang Lin [3]
7Alessandro Pandini [5]
8William R. Taylor [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)