
Richard Taylor

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17EERichard Taylor, Chris Tofts: Taking a RaSP to Enterprise Stakeholder Dissonance. EDOC 2008: 300-306
16EERichard Taylor: Effective Prediction and its Computational Complexity. CATS 2007: 145-151
15EEPaul Morgan, Richard Taylor: ASIP Instruction Encoding for Energy and Area Reduction. DAC 2007: 797-800
14EEBetty H. C. Cheng, Rogério de Lemos, Stephen Fickas, David Garlan, Marin Litoiu, Jeff Magee, Hausi A. Müller, Richard Taylor: SEAMS 2007: Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. ICSE Companion 2007: 152-153
13EEBetty H. C. Cheng, David Garlan, Rogério de Lemos, Jeff Magee, Richard Taylor, Stephen Fickas, Hausi A. Müller: Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems. ICSE 2006: 1015-1016
12EEPaul Morgan, Richard Taylor, Japheth Hossell, George Bruce, Barry O'Rourke: Automated data cache placement for embedded VLIW ASIPs. CODES+ISSS 2005: 39-44
11EEAdam Baumberg, Alex Lyons, Richard Taylor: 3D S.O.M. - A commercial software solution to 3D scanning. Graphical Models 67(6): 476-495 (2005)
10EEBen I. Hounsell, Richard Taylor: Co-Processor Synthesis: A New Methodology for Embedded Software Acceleration. DATE 2004: 682-683
9EEPiergiuseppe Morone, Richard Taylor: Small World Dynamics and The Process of Knowledge Diffusion: The Case of The Metropolitan Area of Greater Santiago De Chile. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 7(2): (2004)
8 Adam Baumberg, Alex Lyons, Richard Taylor: 3D S.O.M. - A Commercial Software Solution to 3D Scanning. VVG 2003: 41-48
7EERichard Taylor: Concurrency in the Data Warehouse. VLDB 2000: 724-727
6EERichard Taylor: Near Optimal Unconditionally Secure Authentication. EUROCRYPT 1994: 244-253
5EERichard Taylor: An Integrity Check Value Algorithm for Stream Ciphers. CRYPTO 1993: 40-48
4 Eugenio Zabala, Richard Taylor: Maritxu: Generic Visualization of Highly Parallel Processing. Programming Environments for Parallel Computing 1992: 171-180
3 Richard Taylor, Ron Addie: An Algorithm for Calculating the Availability and Mean Time to Restore for Communication Through a Network. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 20(1): 109-114 (1990)
2EERichard Taylor: Reconstructing degree sequences from k-vertex-deleted subgraphs. Discrete Mathematics 79(2): 207-213 (1990)
1 Chris Salzmann, Martin Funcell, Richard Taylor: Design for Test and the Cost of Quality. ITC 1988: 302-307

Coauthor Index

1Ron Addie [3]
2Adam Baumberg [8] [11]
3George Bruce [12]
4Betty H. C. Cheng [13] [14]
5Stephen Fickas [13] [14]
6Martin Funcell [1]
7David Garlan [13] [14]
8Japheth Hossell [12]
9Ben I. Hounsell [10]
10Rogério de Lemos [13] [14]
11Marin Litoiu [14]
12Alex Lyons [8] [11]
13Jeff Magee (Jeff N. Magee) [13] [14]
14Paul Morgan [12] [15]
15Piergiuseppe Morone [9]
16Hausi A. Müller [13] [14]
17Barry O'Rourke [12]
18Chris Salzmann [1]
19Chris Tofts [17]
20Eugenio Zabala [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)