
Sekhar Tatikonda

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17EESekhar Tatikonda, Sanjoy K. Mitter: The Capacity of Channels With Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55(1): 323-349 (2009)
16EEJian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda: Network tomography based on additive metrics. CISS 2008: 1149-1154
15EEJian Ni, Haiyong Xie, Sekhar Tatikonda, Yang Richard Yang: Network Routing Topology Inference from End-to-End Measurements. INFOCOM 2008: 36-40
14EEJialing Liu, Nicola Elia, Sekhar Tatikonda: Capacity-achieving Feedback Scheme for Gaussian Finite-State Markov Channels with Channel State Information CoRR abs/0808.2089: (2008)
13EEJian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda: Network Tomography Based on Additive Metrics CoRR abs/0809.0158: (2008)
12EEJian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda: Performance Evaluation of Loss Networks via Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm. INFOCOM 2007: 409-417
11EEGiacomo Como, Serdar Yuksel, Sekhar Tatikonda: On the error exponent of variable-length block-coding schemes over finite-state Markov channels with feedback CoRR abs/0707.2014: (2007)
10EEShaohua Yang, Aleksandar Kavcic, Sekhar Tatikonda: On the Feedback Capacity of Power Constrained Gaussian Noise Channels with Memory CoRR abs/cs/0701099: (2007)
9EEJian Ni, Danny H. K. Tsang, Sekhar Tatikonda, Brahim Bensaou: Optimal and Structured Call Admission Control Policies for Resource-Sharing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(1): 158-170 (2007)
8EEJian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda: Analyzing Product-Form Stochastic Networks Via Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(8): 1588-1597 (2007)
7EEShaohua Yang, Aleksandar Kavcic, Sekhar Tatikonda: On the Feedback Capacity of Power-Constrained Gaussian Noise Channels With Memory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(3): 929-954 (2007)
6EEJian Ni, Sekhar Tatikonda, Edmund M. Yeh: A Large-Scale Distributed Traffic Matrix Estimation Algorithm. GLOBECOM 2006
5EEShaohua Yang, Aleksandar Kavcic, Sekhar Tatikonda: Feedback Capacity of Stationary Sources over Gaussian Intersymbol Interference Channels. GLOBECOM 2006
4EESekhar Tatikonda, Sanjoy K. Mitter: The Capacity of Channels with Feedback CoRR abs/cs/0609139: (2006)
3EEJian Ni, Danny H. K. Tsang, Sekhar Tatikonda, Brahim Bensaou: Threshold and reservation based call admission control policies for multiservice resource-sharing systems. INFOCOM 2005: 773-783
2EEShaohua Yang, Aleksandar Kavcic, Sekhar Tatikonda: Feedback capacity of finite-state machine channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(3): 799-810 (2005)
1 Sekhar Tatikonda, Michael I. Jordan: Loopy Belief Propogation and Gibbs Measures. UAI 2002: 493-500

Coauthor Index

1Brahim Bensaou [3] [9]
2Giacomo Como [11]
3Nicola Elia [14]
4Michael I. Jordan [1]
5Aleksandar Kavcic [2] [5] [7] [10]
6Jialing Liu [14]
7Sanjoy K. Mitter [4] [17]
8Jian Ni [3] [6] [8] [9] [12] [13] [15] [16]
9Danny H. K. Tsang [3] [9]
10Haiyong Xie [15]
11Shaohua Yang [2] [5] [7] [10]
12Yang Richard Yang [15]
13Edmund M. Yeh [6]
14Serdar Yuksel [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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