
Zhimin Tang

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17EEZusong Li, Xianchao Xu, Weiwu Hu, Zhimin Tang: Microarchitecture and Performance Analysis of Godson-2 SMT Processor. ICCD 2006
16EEDongrui Fan, Zhimin Tang, Hailin Huang, Guang R. Gao: An energy efficient TLB design methodology. ISLPED 2005: 351-356
15EEGang Shi, Mingchang Hu, Hongda Yin, Weiwu Hu, Zhimin Tang: A shared virtual memory network with fast remote direct memory access and message passing. CLUSTER 2004: 495
14EEXu Zhou, Zhimin Tang: A New Architecture of a Fast Floating-Point Multiplier. APPT 2003: 23-30
13 Weiwu Hu, Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Optimizing Home-Based Software DSM Protocols. Cluster Computing 4(3): 235-242 (2001)
12 Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Load Balancing in Home-Based Software DSMS. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 12(3): 307-324 (2001)
11EEWeisong Shi, Zhimin Tang, Shi Jinsong: Using Confidence Interval to Summarize the Evaluating Results of DSM Systems. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 15(1): 73-83 (2000)
10EEWeiwu Hu, Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Write Detection in Home-Based Software DSMs. Euro-Par 1999: 909-913
9 Weisong Shi, Jifu Ma, Zhimin Tang: High Efficient Parallel Computation of Resonant Frequencies of Waveguide Loaded Cavities on JIAJIA Software DSMs. HPCN Europe 1999: 1147-1150
8 Weiwu Hu, Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: JIAJIA: A Software DSM System Based on a New Cache Coherence Protocol. HPCN Europe 1999: 463-472
7EEWeiwu Hu, Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Adaptive Write Detection in Home-based Software DSMs. HPDC 1999
6EEWeisong Shi, Weiwu Hu, Zhimin Tang, M. Rasit Eskicioglu: Dynamic Task Migration in Home-based Software DSM Systems. HPDC 1999
5 Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Affinity-Based Self Scheduing for Software Shared Memory Systems. HiPC 1999: 163-168
4EEWeiwu Hu, Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Reducing System Overheads in Home-based Software DSMs. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 167-
3EEWeisong Shi, Zhimin Tang: Dynamic Computation Scheduling for Load Balancing in Home-Based Software DSMs. ISPAN 1999: 248-255
2 Weisong Shi, Weiwu Hu, Zhimin Tang: An Interaction of Coherence Protocols and Memory Consistency Models in DSM Systems. Operating Systems Review 31.(4): 41-54 (1997)
1 Zhimin Tang, Guo-Jie Li: Optimal Granularity of Grid Iteration Problems. ICPP (1) 1990: 111-118

Coauthor Index

1M. Rasit Eskicioglu [6]
2Dongrui Fan [16]
3Guang R. Gao [16]
4Mingchang Hu [15]
5Weiwu Hu [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [13] [15] [17]
6Hailin Huang [16]
7Shi Jinsong [11]
8Guo-Jie Li [1]
9Zusong Li [17]
10Jifu Ma [9]
11Gang Shi [15]
12Weisong Shi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
13Xianchao Xu [17]
14Hongda Yin [15]
15Xu Zhou [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)