
Nava Pliskin

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13EEGali Naveh, Dorit Tubin, Nava Pliskin: Information Technology Diffusion in Academic Teaching: An Institutional Perspective. Open IT-Based Innovation 2008: 563-567
12EETsipi Heart, Nava Pliskin, Kathleen Foley Curley: Remote application services as means for aligning business and IT. IJEB 5(2): 176-187 (2007)
11EEMaytal Saar-Tsechansky, Nava Pliskin, Gadi Rabinowitz, Mark Tsechansky: Patterns Extraction for Monitoring Medical Practices. HICSS 2001
10EED. Sandy Staples, Arnstein Borstad, Nava Pliskin, Celia T. Romm, Margaret Tan, Scharam Dusdar: Telework practice across national cultures (panel session). ICIS 1998: 429-430
9EECelia T. Romm, Nava Pliskin: Electronic Mail as a Coalition-Building Information Technology. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 16(1): 82-100 (1998)
8EECelia T. Romm, Ronald E. Rice, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Ernest Jordan, Nava Pliskin, Fay Sudweeks, Niels Björn-Anderson: Playing politics with information technology (panel session): a global perspective. ICIS 1997: 522-523
7 Celia T. Romm, Nava Pliskin: Toward a Virtual Politicking Model. Commun. ACM 40(11): 95-100 (1997)
6EECelia T. Romm, Nava Pliskin: Battle of the Sexes on E-mail - Or is it? Inf. Soc. 13(3): (1997)
5 Beverley K. Kahn, Jack J. Baroudi, Scott C. McIntyre, Nava Pliskin: The Challenge of IS Education in Business Schools: Coping with Ever-Changing Demands of Students' Diversity, Business Expectations and Accreditation. ICIS 1993: 402-403
4 Nava Pliskin, Celia T. Romm, A. S. Lee, Y. Weber: Presumed Versus Actual Organizational Culture: Managerial Implications for Implementation of Information Systems. Comput. J. 36(2): 143-152 (1993)
3EENava Pliskin, Tsilia Romm: Design of Charging Mechanisms According to the Interaction Between Information Technology Type and Diffusion Lifecycle Phase. DATA BASE 21(2&3): 34-40 (1990)
2 Nava Pliskin: Interacting with Electronic Mail Can be a Dream or a Nightmare: A User's Point View. Interacting with Computers 1(3): 259-272 (1989)
1EENava Pliskin, Peretz Shoval: End-User Prototyping: Sophisticated Users Supporting System Development. DATA BASE 18(4): 7-17 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Jack J. Baroudi [5]
2Niels Björn-Anderson [8]
3Arnstein Borstad [10]
4Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic [8]
5Kathleen Foley Curley [12]
6Scharam Dusdar [10]
7Tsipi Heart [12]
8Ernest Jordan [8]
9Beverley K. Kahn [5]
10A. S. Lee [4]
11Scott C. McIntyre [5]
12Gali Naveh [13]
13Gadi Rabinowitz [11]
14Ronald E. Rice [8]
15Celia T. Romm [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
16Tsilia Romm [3]
17Maytal Saar-Tsechansky [11]
18Peretz Shoval [1]
19D. Sandy Staples [10]
20Fay Sudweeks [8]
21Margaret Tan [10]
22Mark Tsechansky [11]
23Dorit Tubin [13]
24Y. Weber [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)