
Janine Swaak

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9EEMargit Biemans, Janine Swaak, Marike Hettinga, Jan Gerrit Schuurman: Involvement matters: the proper involvement of users and behavioural theories in the design of a medical teleconferencing application. GROUP 2005: 304-312
8EEJanine Swaak, Ton de Jong, Wouter R. van Joolingen: The effects of discovery learning and expository instruction on the acquisition of definitional and intuitive knowledge . J. Comp. Assisted Learning 20(4): 225-234 (2004)
7EEIngrid Mulder, Janine Swaak: ICT innovation: starting with the team - A collaborative design workshop on selecting technology for collaboration. Educational Technology & Society 6(1): (2003)
6EELilia Efimova, Janine Swaak: Converging Knowledge Management, Training and e-learning: Scenarios to Make it Work. J. UCS 9(6): 571- (2003)
5EEIngrid Mulder, Janine Swaak, Joseph Kessels: Assessing group learning and shared understanding in technology-mediated interaction. Educational Technology & Society 5(1): (2002)
4 Margit Biemans, Jan Gerrit Schuurman, Janine Swaak: Evaluation of user customisation in e-mail and mobile telephones. HCI 2001: 461-465
3EEJanine Swaak, Ton de Jong: Discovery simulations and the assessment of intuitive knowledge. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 17(3): 284-294 (2001)
2EETon de Jong, Wouter R. van Joolingen, Janine Swaak, Koen Veermans, Renate Limbach, Simon King, Daniel Gureghian: Self-directed learning in simulation-based discovery environments. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 14(3): 235-246 (1998)
1 Ton de Jong, Hermann Härtel, Janine Swaak, Wouter R. van Joolingen: Support for Simulation-Based Learning: The Effect of Assignments in Learning about Transmission Lines. CALISCE 1996: 9-26

Coauthor Index

1Margit Biemans [4] [9]
2Lilia Efimova [6]
3Daniel Gureghian [2]
4Hermann Härtel [1]
5Marike Hettinga [9]
6Ton de Jong [1] [2] [3] [8]
7Wouter R. van Joolingen [1] [2] [8]
8Joseph Kessels [5]
9Simon King [2]
10Renate Limbach [2]
11Ingrid Mulder [5] [7]
12Jan Gerrit Schuurman [4] [9]
13Koen Veermans [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)