
Ja-Young Sung

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8EEJa-Young Sung, Rebecca E. Grinter, Henrik I. Christensen: "Pimp My Roomba": designing for personalization. CHI 2009: 193-196
7EEJa-Young Sung, Henrik I. Christensen, Rebecca E. Grinter: Robots in the wild: understanding long-term use. HRI 2009: 45-52
6EEJa-Young Sung, Rebecca E. Grinter, Henrik I. Christensen, Lan Guo: Housewives or technophiles?: understanding domestic robot owners. HRI 2008: 129-136
5EEJa-Young Sung, Aaron Levisohn, Ji-won Song, Ben Tomassetti, Ali Mazalek: Shadow Box: an interactive learning toy for children. DIGITEL 2007: 206-208
4EEMarshini Chetty, Ja-Young Sung, Rebecca E. Grinter: How Smart Homes Learn: The Evolution of the Networked Home and Household. Ubicomp 2007: 127-144
3EEJa-Young Sung, Lan Guo, Rebecca E. Grinter, Henrik I. Christensen: "My Roomba Is Rambo": Intimate Home Appliances. Ubicomp 2007: 145-162
2EEKristine S. Nagel, Ja-Young Sung, Gregory D. Abowd: Designing home availability services. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(5): 361-372 (2007)
1EEJennifer Wiley, Ja-Young Sung, Gregory D. Abowd: The message center: enhancing elder communication. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1523-1528

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [1] [2]
2Marshini Chetty [4]
3Henrik I. Christensen [3] [6] [7] [8]
4Rebecca E. Grinter [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
5Lan Guo [3] [6]
6Aaron Levisohn [5]
7Ali Mazalek (Alexandra Mazalek) [5]
8Kristine S. Nagel (Kris Nagel) [2]
9Ji-won Song [5]
10Ben Tomassetti [5]
11Jennifer Wiley [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)