
So Ryoung Park

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7EEJongho Oh, Hyun Gu Kang, Iickho Song, So Ryoung Park, Jinsoo Bae, Juho Park: Analysis of Weak Signal Detectors Under Moving Average of Impulsive Noise. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
6EEJinsoo Bae, Hyoungmoon Kwon, So Ryoung Park, Jumi Lee, Iickho Song: Explicit correlation coefficients among random variables, ranks, and magnitude ranks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(5): 2233-2240 (2006)
5EEJinsoo Bae, Sang Won Choi, So Ryoung Park, Jongho Oh, Iickho Song: Weak signal detection performance of selective rake receivers in fading channels. PE-WASUN 2005: 269-270
4EESeokho Yoon, Iickho Song, Sun Yong Kim, So Ryoung Park: DS/SS code acquisition with joint detection of multiple correct cells using locally optimum test statistics in Rayleigh fading channels. Signal Processing 82(4): 609-623 (2002)
3EESo Ryoung Park, Iickho Song, Seokho Yoon, Sun Yong Kim: A statistical analysis of random polyphase signature sequences in multipath fading DS-CDMA channels. Signal Processing 81(12): 2461-2477 (2001)
2 Seong Ill Park, So Ryoung Park, Iickho Song, Naoki Suehiro: Multiple-access interference reduction for QS-CDMA systems with a novel class of polyphase sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(4): 1448-1458 (2000)
1EESeong Ill Park, So Ryoung Park, Iickho Song, Seokho Yoon: On the generation and analysis of a modulated orthogonal sequence. Signal Processing 80(3): 451-464 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Jinsoo Bae [5] [6] [7]
2Sang Won Choi [5]
3Hyun Gu Kang [7]
4Sun Yong Kim [3] [4]
5Hyoungmoon Kwon [6]
6Jumi Lee [6]
7Jongho Oh [5] [7]
8Juho Park [7]
9Seong Ill Park [1] [2]
10Iickho Song [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
11Naoki Suehiro [2]
12Seokho Yoon [1] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)