
Christian Kurmann

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8EEChristian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Zero-Copy for CORBA - Efficient Communication for Distributed Object Middleware. HPDC 2003: 4-13
7EEChristian Kurmann, Felix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Cost/Performance Tradeoffs in Network Interconnects for Clusters of Commodity PCs. IPDPS 2003: 196
6 Felix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Optimizing the distribution of large data sets in theory and practice. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(3): 165-181 (2002)
5 Christian Kurmann, Felix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Speculative Defragmentation - Leading Gigabit Ethernet to True Zero-Copy Communication. Cluster Computing 4(1): 7-18 (2001)
4EEFelix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Partition Repositories for Partition Cloning - OS Independent Software Maintenance in Large Clusters of PCs. CLUSTER 2000: 233
3EEFelix Rauch, Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: Partition Cast - Modelling and Optimizing the Distribution of Large Data Sets in PC Clusters (Distinguished Paper). Euro-Par 2000: 1118-1131
2EEChristian Kurmann, Michael Müller, Felix Rauch, Thomas Stricker: Speculative Defragmentation - A Technique to Improve the Communication Software Efficiency for Gigabit Ethernet. HPDC 2000: 131-138
1 Christian Kurmann, Thomas Stricker: A Comparison of Three Gigabit Technologies: SCI, Myrinet and SGI/Cray T3D. Scalable Coherent Interface 1999: 39-68

Coauthor Index

1Michael Müller [2]
2Felix Rauch [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Thomas Stricker [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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