
Susan F. Stager

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6EEVirginia E. Rezmierski, Tad Pinkerton, Susan F. Stager: "Heads Up" for information technology policies: emerging policy issues for Universities and K-12. SIGUCCS 1994: 21-24
5EEBonnie R. Hites, Susan F. Stager: Seeding, fertilizing, and growing faculty and classroom computing at IUB. SIGUCCS 1993: 117-129
4EESusan F. Stager: What user services staff should ask about computer ethics. SIGUCCS 1992: 221-224
3EEJames A. Haskett, John W. Smith, George Town, Susan F. Stager: Practical management of computer ethics: computer center and computer science department approaches. SIGUCCS 1991: 25-31
2EERita Pavolka, Susan F. Stager: Administrative workstation project: computer training for the vice president's office. SIGUCCS 1991: 275-281
1EESusan F. Stager, Shadle Julie: Issues in user services management for the 90s. SIGUCCS 1990: 371-376

Coauthor Index

1James A. Haskett [3]
2Bonnie R. Hites [5]
3Shadle Julie [1]
4Rita Pavolka [2]
5Tad Pinkerton [6]
6Virginia E. Rezmierski [6]
7John W. Smith [3]
8George Town [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)