
Vinod Srinivasan

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12EEVinod Srinivasan, Karen L. Butler-Purry, Susan Pedersen: Using video games to enhance learning in digital systems. Future Play 2008: 196-199
11EEVinod Srinivasan, Donald H. House, Mary Saslow, Carol LaFayette: Basic Training for Digital Artists in the Texas A&M Visualization Program. IV 2007: 839-844
10EEEric Landreneau, Ergun Akleman, Vinod Srinivasan: Local Mesh Operators: Extrusions Revisited. SMI 2005: 351-356
9EEErgun Akleman, Vinod Srinivasan, Esan Mandal: Remeshing Schemes for Semi-Regular Tilings. SMI 2005: 44-50
8EEErgun Akleman, Vinod Srinivasan, Zeki Melek, Paul Edmundson: Semiregular Pentagonal Subdivisions. SMI 2004: 110-118
7EEEsan Mandal, Ergun Akleman, Vinod Srinivasan: Wire modeling. SIGGRAPH 2003
6EEErgun Akleman, Vinod Srinivasan, Jianer Chen: Interactive Rind Modeling. Shape Modeling International 2003: 23-32
5EEErgun Akleman, Jianer Chen, Vinod Srinivasan: A minimal and complete set of operators for the development of robust manifold mesh modelers. Graphical Models 65(5): 286-304 (2003)
4EEVinod Srinivasan, Ergun Akleman, Jianer Chen: Interactive Construction of Multi-Segment Curved Handles . Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 429-430
3EEErgun Akleman, Jianer Chen, Vinod Srinivasan: A Prototype System for Robust, Interactive and User-Friendly Modeling of Orientable 2-Manifold Meshes. Shape Modeling International 2002: 43-50
2EEErgun Akleman, Jianer Chen, Fusun Eryoldas, Vinod Srinivasan: Handle and Hole Improvement by Using New Corner Cutting Subdivision Scheme with Tension. Shape Modeling International 2001: 32-41
1EEErgun Akleman, Vinod Srinivasan, Jianer Chen: A New Paradigm for Changing Topology during Subdivision Modeling. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 192-201

Coauthor Index

1Ergun Akleman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Karen L. Butler-Purry [12]
3Jianer Chen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Paul Edmundson [8]
5Fusun Eryoldas [2]
6Donald H. House [11]
7Carol LaFayette [11]
8Eric Landreneau [10]
9Esan Mandal [7] [9]
10Zeki Melek [8]
11Susan Pedersen [12]
12Mary Saslow [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)